Chapter 3

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It was his eyes that horrified me the most. One was a pale blue and the other contrasted by being a dark, almost black, brown. In his calloused hands, he held a black revolver, swinging it from thumb to finger. His baby finger on his left hand was missing, replaced by scarred, withered skin. His black, receding hair line made me wonder at his age; his appearance was of a 44 year old but something in his eyes told me otherwise. A smirk was stretched across his face and a jagged scar ran down from his right cheekbone to his chin. All in all, he was your classic villain and he was looking at me!

The family cowered next to me as this man stepped further into the room, his black boots softly tredding on the carpet. Unlike the other (assumable) criminal who was coated in black, his pale jeans and navy blue jumper made him look almost normal if not for his other features.

I thought the former man's voice was evil until I heard his. Never before had I been as scared as I was now. 

"Well, Black, what do we have here?" he questioned, every syllable spat out, the words ice-cold blades running down my spine, his masculine, low voice chilling me to the core. 

"Master. We have one of those families and a young boy who can't hold his irritating tongue." the man said. If I didn't know better, I'd say the man was frightened and I wondered exactly what this evil 'master' was capable of.  

"I see," he drawled.  

"Well we'll soon make sure he toes the line. He looks rather fit, a good acompniment to, don't you think, Black?" 

"Yes, master, whatever you say master." 

Until now it had not occurred to me, for some stupid reason, to ring the police but then I realised to my horror that both men were blocking the door and I'd left my phone at home, thinking I'd be out for a short run before going to school. I glanced around frantically, seeing if by any chance this family had a phone in their lounge. To my utter disappointment, I spied nothing. It was then the helplessness of my situation struck me. I was like a lamb to the slaughter lest I do what these ragamuffins said. No one would notice my absence; my mum left for work early in the morning and my dad's job involved him travelling around the world for weeks on end. I think he was in Turkey at the moment, though I wasn't quite sure. Anyway, no one would miss me soon. The school would just assume I was ill or out as no one would be there to answer the phone. 

I had no escape....


I suddenly awoke, panting. I must have fallen asleep but the nightmare felt so real. Something hard was digging into my back; the floor. I jolted upwards, groaning as my protesting head started to spin. The golden rays of sunlight filtered through my curtain, illuminating my mattress as the sheets were in a tangled heap at the bottom. Glancing, at my alarm clock, it dawned on me that I had slept another four hours!!

School started in two hours and I had to catch the bus which took one hour, have a shower and hopefully shove some breakfast down my mouth.

Suddenly, a piece of paper floated through a window I didn't realise (or think) was open. After I had read it I looked up in horror, school forgotten; I would take the day off.

It read:

Everything you have experienced was real. We are coming for you.


Was I suffering from memory lapse too??

Pleeeeeeessssseeee vote, comment and fan, it would mean the world to me!!!

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