The Hunt

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  • Dedicated to My loving and suportive cousin VEENIE! I love you cuz!

HEY GUYS!!! I guess u guys relly dio like my story! U have no idea how happy I was. SOOOOOO I put up a new one!!!! HEHE ur in for a surprise!!! mwahahah! love u guys so much sooooo....




AND KEEP READING! Please tell me if you want more okay?! :P 

BTW The pic on the side is of the place where Kahalan and Arthur stayed after getting lost-->


Chapter 3

Dinner was pleasant and quiet. I quickly retired to my chambers. I undressed and hopped into bed. I was asleep before my head hit the soft feather pillow. The next morning I woke up early and got dressed. I wore a red dress today. I plaited my hair and headed out to the fields. I took my sword and began to slash at an invisible opponent. After an hour I felt and unknown presence behind me. With one movement I was on the stranger with my sword at their neck. I looked into the eyes at a surprised Arthur. I gasped when with a quick movement I was underneath a smirking Arthur. "Good Morning to you to Kahlan" he started. I smiled as we started the day of endless training. Today we worked on archery. Of course Arthur proposed a challenge. He hit the bulls-eye directly and whom ever was to hit the same exact spot won. Every one hit but no one hit Arthur's arrow. When it was my turn I aimed and released. My arrow split Arthur's in half hitting the target exactly. Everyone was astonished. After we did a few more shots and then Arthur announced a hunt tomorrow at dawn. We all retired for the day.

The next morning I woke up before sunrise and got ready. I took a bath and got dressed. I wore a white dress with a low neckline and long loose sleeves. I braided my hair and pulled on my cloak and boots with my blades securely in their places. I walked down to the stables to find Arthur there already. He had 16 horses ready to go. "Arthur you have 16 horses and there are 17 of us" I stated. The men walked in and all mounted their horses. 4 servants mounted the remaining horses leaving me alone on the ground. "I know my stupid girl, that means you'll be riding with me" he grinned cockily. "I will not be riding with you!" I answered back flustered. "Then walk" he smiled down at me. I huffed and mounted. I straddled the horse. Sadly my dress rode up to my mid-thigh exposing my legs. I glared at the men who even stared. Arthur chuckled. He took off. I was so startled that I grabbed his waist in surprise. He looked over his shoulder grinning at my startled face. We galloped into the woods where we found a clearing. We stopped. Arthur hopped off first. He grabbed my waist and hoisted me off the horse. We walked off in serch of something suited to Arthur's standard. After a few hours we came across a wild boar. He was big and rotund. His skin was caked in mud and blood. He had a wild angry look in his big brown eyes. Aurthur took his stance arrow in aim. He let go. The arrow sailed through the air plunging firmly in the boar's hind leg. He squealed sending my hands to cover my ears. Suddenly the ground started to rumble. One of the men screamed "STAMPEDE!" Arthur grabbed my arm and dragged me away just as about a hundred wild boars stampeded at the same spot we once were at. Arthur dragged me deeper in the woods until the noise of shouting and squeals were drowned out. I panted after all that running. "Where are we?" I asked "I have no idea" he shrugged. "WHAT?!" I screamed. "We are in the middle of nowhere with no knowledge of how to get back?!" "Yup" I fumed. "Lets keep hiking until we find a place to camp out." I nodded. At least I still had a pack with some food and a small canteen full of water. After an hour the blistering heat of the afternoon began to bother us. Thankfully we finally reached a small waterfall. I hiked behind the waterfall and found a small safe cave for us to camp out in. "I'll go find us some firewood." he stated. "Alright be safe and don't wander off to far" "yes 'mother'" he smiled as I gave him angry eyes. As soon as I was positive he wasn't anywhere nearby, I took off my clothes and stepped under the waterfall I was quite thankfull for the giant leaves that surrounded the waterfall. I dried myself off and slipped back on my dress. My hair now wet hung loosely. "Well someone decided to cool off now didn't they?" I turned around to see a smirking Arthur a pile of wood at his feet. "Where you watching me?!" I shrieked. He smiled "maybe a little bit." I looked at him with horror and hate. I continued to set up camp. I refused to say another word to the stupid peeper. At night I was huddled in a corner as heavy rain pounded outside the cave. Arthur was turned away his back facing me. "I didn't see anything" "What?" I questioned. "I siad I diddnt see anything" he replied turning to face me. His arm propped up his head as he looked at me. "Now will you please go to sleep?" he asked. I walked over to him and dropped my bag down. I lay down and put my head on the bag using it as a pillow. I closed my eyes and drifted into a silent slumber.

The little girl who looked to be about five or so, was playing in the front yard. She was picking pansies and giggling at butterflies flapping by. Her mother was watching her from the kitchen window. Suddenly the sound of hooves on the earth made the little girl look up top see two men on two white stallions. Both men where in full armor. Strangely the first man held his own shield, the second man held his own and one that looked quite familiar. The two men stalked past the little girl into the house. All was quiet as the girl felt the atmosphere around her change. The wind picked up and became colder. The little girl continued to play only with much less enthusiasm. The girl walked inside her house only to find her mother sobbing on the couch while the two men explained something to her in hushed tones. The men put down the familiar shield and left. "Mamma," the little girl began, "Were those men here about Pappa?" The girl questioned. The mother cried harder putting her face in her hands. "Where's Pappa Mamma?" the little girl asked fear filling her small voice. "Gone baby. He's gone"

"WAKE UP KAHLAN" Arthur's worried voice woke me out of my dream. I sat up as the merciless tears spilled over my face. "Kahlan whats wrong?" Arthur asked pulling me to his warm muscular chest. I let the tears run out as Arthur rubbed my back and murrmered comferting words in my hair. "Whats wrong Kahlan you were talking loudly in your sleep." He questioned. "Nothing I'm fine," I said as I got up and started to walk to the cave entrance. I felt a hand put a hold on my wrist not allowing me to go any further. "Your lying." He stated. "As your prince I order you to tell me whats wrong now Kahlan Sypheret." he comanded. I sighed, "I had a nightmare, now will you please let me go?" I asked getting impatient. "No." he stated. "I gave you what you wanted now please let me go" I said sternly. "What was your nightmare about?" he asked. I blew, "Fine! You want to know?! I had a nightmare of the memory I had when your father's men came to my house to tell me my father was DEAD! I was left ALONE! He was my WORLD ARTHUR! I Loved him more than life!He's gone Arthur!" I screamed. I felt the hurt finally push past my wall of protection that I took many suffering years to build. I cried over my dad before but never like how I was sobbing now. I was somehow in Arthur's arms. His face was in my hair. My face was in his chest letting out 11 years of pain that had built up flow out. It was horrible pain in my chest. I closed my eyes.

I woke up with a pounding head.Ugh. I opened my eyelids. I was alone on my pack. I smelt fire. I got up and dusted off my dress. I braided back my hair and composed my face. I walked over to the cave entrance. When I stepped out into the warm sunlight I was greeted with a loud noise, "BLASTED FIRE" Arthur roared. I look to see Arthur trying to pat down a flame that was on his sleeve. I grabbed the closest bucket and ran to the waterfall I thought I doused the fire. I did but also completely soaking the angry Arthur. He was dripping wet from head to toe. His red shirt clung to his chest in a rather nice wa- KAHLAN SYPHERET WHY THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING OF HIM LIKE THAT?! my inside voice screamed at me. WHAT WAS I THINKING?! I shook the thought. The sight of Arthur completely wet and steaming angry was quite funny. I broke out in a fit of giggles. "Oh you think its funny eh?" he asked. A devious smile spread across his wet face. "What are you doing?" I asked worry suddenly drowning out my laughter. "THIS!" He screamed. he ran towards me lifting me. He threw me over his shoulder. "ARTHUR WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!!!" I hollered pounding his back with my fists. "Okay" he shrugged. Suddenly I was falling. I landed in the Lake with a loud splash. "YOU BASTARD!!" I screamed. He broke out laughing as I sat there drenched in water. "Help me up!" I screamed at him. He kept on laughing and stuck out his hand to help me up. His mistake. I smirked as I grabbed his hand. Using all the strength I could muster I yanked him into the water. He yelped as his skin came in contact with the freezing cold water. I started to laugh. My side were aching. I grabbed his head and held it under water.Suddenly I was lifted out of the water. I was now on Aurthur's shoulders, his hands were clamped firmly on my bare thighs. "Arthur!" I screamed I was super scared. He laughed as I panicked. "Calm down Kahlan no need to worry!" He laughed. He put me down and I splashed him with water. We played like that for hours. We trudged back to the camp, cold and wet. We dropped down in a large patch of grass and let the warm afternoon sun dry us off. I let loose my hair letting it spread out in a fan around my head. I felt happy and light. "Thank you" I said. "What for Kahlan?" Arthur asked a look of confusion crossed his angelic face. "Last Night you helped me and I thank you for that Arthur" I smiled at him. He smiled at me. He scooted closer to me and embraced me tightly. I was pressed up against him now. I felt sparks fly as he held me close. He leaned his face closer to mine leaving only centimeters apart. "Your Welcome" he said as he pressed his soft lips onto mine.

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