He forgets your anniversary

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He forgets your anniversary

Harry: After checking your phone for the 50th time that hour, you waved a waiter over to give you the bill. They gave you a sympathetic smile and you returned it with a tight forced smile. How could he forget, it was our one year? He even booked the restaurant and told you the times last night. These thoughts also swam around in your head as you walked back to your flat, not wanting to get there anytime soon. You wrapped your arms around yourself trying to contain whatever body heat you had left, as it started to snow. And too soon you reached your door and quietly opened it, there you saw a mop of curly hair run towards you and slam into you, "Kitten where were you? I was so worried, because none of your friends had seen you and you didn't take you car. And wow your freezing." He said all at once stepping back to get a good look at you and his eyebrows soon scrunched up as he studied you "Why are you so dressed up?" You just walked right by him up the stairs into your bedroom, he followed yelling your name, but you didn't stop. He watched you from the doorway as you undressed and threw on random pajamas and got into bed and faced away from him. "(Y/n)? (Y/n).... What's wrong? Why aren't you talking to me?" You countunied to ignore him and let the tears fall freely down your face, he noticed your form start to shake after your silent tears turned to full out sobs. "(Y/n) what wrong?" He said lightly grabbing your shoulder to turn you to face him and then holding your face in his hands so you were forced to look at him. "Please talk to me..." He said weakly. "Well Harry. I'm upset, because do you know what day it is?" You asked quietly. "Of course I do it's January 26th." He said confidently "No it's our one year anniversary you asshole!" You snapped and ripped his hands off your face and once again turned away from him. "Oh, baby, I-I'm so so so sorry I guess I-" he stuttered "Forgot, you forgot Harry and left me waiting there for two hours!" You snapped. You heard his footsteps quickly fade away an you started to cry again realizing maybe he really doesn't care for you at all. Soon you here his heavy footsteps come up behind you and his strong arms wrap around your smaller frame and pick you up. "Harry! Put me down!" You screamed not really wanting anything to do with him at the moment. "Please kitten just, just calm down and trust me." He whispered in your ear kissing your cheek. You stopped fighting and just let him carry you towards the bathroom, he kicked the door open with his foot and you gasped when you saw what he did to the bathroom. The bath was filled with hot water, bubbles, rose petals, and there were tons of lit candles giving the room a warm glow. Rose petals were also all over the ground. "Oh Harry it's...it's beautiful." You said while looking around and then stopping at his eyes. You both just stared at each other before he spoke first, "I know this wont even come close to making up for that stupid mistake I made, but I hope this can make you forgive me and let me continue to make it up to you, because I love you so much and I can't believe how stupid I am and how your still here-" he started to blabber on and you couldn't help, but smile, you then grabbed his face in your hands and smashed his lips into yours. After you both finished your heated make out and your foreheads pressed together, you whispered quietly "I'm not going anywhere." "Good, because I wouldn't let you." He answered, before smashing his lips back into yours. He then leads you towards the tub and after taking your cloths off, he the took his off and got in with you and started to massage your back and whisper sweet nothing's in your ear, before you turned around and kissed him.

Niall: You had just finished making Niall's favorite dinner for your 6 month anniversary, you had been working on it since you got home from work. You had just had a really rough day, but knowing that Niall would be home early, because of the special day and he would spend it all with you made it all worth it. He came home right on time "Hi Niall." You said still in the kitchen plating the last bit of food. "Hey princess." He didn't come in the kitchen though like he always does, he went up the stairs and towards your bedroom. "Niall aren't you hungry?" You asked timidly, "No (y/n) had a really late lunch with lads and grabbed a snack on the way home. Think I might just go to bed early. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow." You just looked down at the plate you had made, you couldn't believe it. "Oh..." You mumbled. You then dropped the food on the plate in the garbage, you then grabbed the rest of the food off the table and threw it in the bin. After all the food was gone you dumped all the plates in the sink and cleaned off the table. You couldn't believe he forgot or didn't even come at hello or goodnight. You then sat down at the table and just cried; you cried, because you were frustrated, because he forgot, because it was so much work, because you were so stressed and tired. After a while you heard movement upstairs and quickly wiped under your eyes. Niall came down the stairs and into the kitchen rubbing his eyes, "Baby why aren't you upstairs with me?" His voice rough and groggy from sleeping. "I'm surprised you missed me." You spat out, anger now replacing all the hurt you were feeling. "Of course I missed you, you're my teddy bear, I can't sleep without you. What's wrong?" He said confused, but now fully awake, but you didn't reply just at there tracing patterns on the table. "(Y/n)? What's going on?" He questioned after awhile, you took a deep breath before looking him in the eyes and saying "Niall you forgot.....our 6 month." You tried to stay strong, but your voice cracked and tears started to pour out of your eyes. "Oh no, no no no." He mumbled now fully looking around and taking in the dishes in the sink, the full trash bin, and a totally cleared off table. "I'm such an idiot (y/n), I'm so so so sorry, you did all this and I just ruined it. I can't believe I forgot the most important day of the year. I'm so so sorry. I'm the worst boyfriend ever." He said quietly looking in your eyes and holding your hand. "It-it's alright." You mumbled not looking at him. "I just wanna go to bed now." You added, getting up and heading to the bedroom ignoring Niall's pleas. You got into bed and facing towards the wall, you hear Niall come in and you pretend to be asleep, you feel the bed sink and warm muscular arms wrapped around your waist pulling you closer to him. "I'm so sorry princess, I'll make it up to you." The next morning you woke up to a cold and empty bed, you walked down and heard noise in the kitchen, when you turned the corner and saw Niall in the kitchen in a apron that said 'kiss me I'm Irish', you couldn't help, but giggle. He turned blushing "Good morning princess.", he came over and kissed your cheek before adding "Go sit down at the table, I'll be right there." You nodded and sat down, gasping a little at how wonderful it looked; the table was set beautifully, there was food everywhere and it all smelt delicious, and there was a letter. After you read the letter you were close to tears, it was beautiful. Niall came in shortly after an you ran into his arms an he just spun you around. "I'm so sorry princess I-" you just interrupted him, but kissing him hard. "I forgive you Ni." He just smiled before saying "We'll then let's eat!" You laughed kissing him again and racing back to the table to enjoy a wonderful breakfast.

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