Dancing In The Street (1)

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Chapter 1

Vanessa P.O.V

It was the first day of summer when I first saw him. My soul mate. Of course I didn't know it at the time, I was just a human after all.

My little brother and I were walking out of WalMart , hand and hand with our pop and chips. My three year old brother was getting whiney and complaining about how he wasn't having as much fun as I had promised him, so I did the only thing a respectable 17 and a half year old would do in the middle of the street with a fun deprived three year old. While holding his hand, I started dancing in the street. Waving my hands out, kicking my legs,and wiggling my hips. Doing every ridiculous move I have ever seen my elders do. From the sprinkler, running man and the bug. When I was finished and completely out of breath, my little brother had a full blown smile on his face and was giggling.

I flashed a couple of older people a smile, knowing that they didn't approve of my little show. I looked forward, ready to drag my still laughing brother to my black Honda when I saw him. He was sitting in his red jeep with a big smile on his face looking directly at me. I felt my cheeks fill with warmth as he waved towards me. I waved a small wave back and just stood there like an idiot, starring at him. I knew he had seen me completely embarrass myself, and I also knew I should probably just grab my brother and run to my car, but I couldn't stop looking at him. There was something about him that made it impossible to look away.

He had black hair was shaped into a perfect quiff. His smile was laced with braces, something that most girls would see as a turnoff but to me that just made him cuter. His smile was also a little lopsided, lifting a little to the left, which brought out his perfect dimple a little more. And his eyes, his piercing green eyes held me prisoner.

I didn't know if I was going to doing anything, but I was relived when my brother let go of my hand and ran to my car, which was one space down. I flashed the mystery guy a smile and ran after my brother almost falling when my brown hair blinded my sight for a second. When I caught him I tickled his little sides and then put him in his car seat in the back. I jogged to the driver side of the car and got in. I popped a Paramore CD in and started listening to 'Playing God'. I know most people wouldn't listen to a 'rock'/ punk band with a three year old in the car, but my little brother loves It and you now Y.O.L.O! I can tell he's going to be a rocker one day.

I tried really hard to listen to the song as we drove home but I couldn't concentrate on anything but a pair of misty light green eyes and a lopsided smile. I made my way home in a daze.

"Can't make my own decisions, or make any with precision"

He's amazing smile.

"We'll maybe you should tell me off, so I don't go where you don't want me."

His bright eyes.

"You say that I've been changing' that I'm not just simply agin'"

His strong jaw.

"Yeah how can that be logical, keep on cramming ideas down my throat."

I parked my car next to the moving van, and got out the car. My little brother then got out the car too, and sat in the grass next to the drive way. He watched as the movers unloaded the boxes from the van and took them into our new home.

"Why did we have to move? I liked the old home" he said after sitting in silence.

How do you tell you're innocent little brother that you're the reason he had to move? That the reason he wouldn't grow up with his friends is because his older sister wasn't strong enough to face her tormentors for two more years?

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