Chapter 2

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On arriving in the house, I heard a subsequent scream from what I guessed was the living room. On entering, a man dressed all in black looked up at me. When I say coated in black, I mean it. From a black balaclava to black finger nails to face paint/makeup around the eyes! I would have thought him a women had he not had a black moustache and a body build of a man's. Furthermore, his deep voice paralysed me for it was the most creepy, chilling, gruff, emotionless voice I had ever heard.

"Stand over there."

After briefly hesitating for about a millisecond, I obeyed, unsure of what to do.

A frightened or should I say, petrified family were gathered against the same wall I was instructed to stand against. The mother looked scared for her children as she was clutching them but there was a defiance in her eyes when she glanced at me that made me realise that had the children been absent from the present situation, she would have put up a fight.

She was actually beautiful. Her elegant, black hair was gracefully swept over her right shoulder. Her slim-fit jeans weren't too skinny and her purple blouse accentuated her thin waist and gave her a stunning appearance. Despite all this though, it was her eyes that gave her an aura of natural beauty. They were a piercing blue that I swear could see right through me, the light in the room made them sparkle and shine. The man (who I assumed was the father/husband) stood boldly next to her, glaring at the intruder, his sharp green eyes examining every inch of the unwanted guest. He stood up tall, wearing chinos and a striking blue top. Funnily, I had the exact same one but I doubted now was the time to say so.

"What are you doing here?" The father said.

"Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies," The black-clad intruder replied.

"Just stand there silently until the boss arrives."

Though I had stood by the wall like he had ordered, obedience was not my strong point and I was determined to get answers out of this figure. To my horror, I realised I was going to be late for school and my teachers would not believe my honest answer:

"Oh miss I ran into a house on my run (at 3:00 in the morning!) and a guy threatened me oh yeah and he was all dressed in black. That's why I was so late on arriving."

Somehow, I thought that excuse wouldn't strike the right note with the notoriously strict Mrs Hipkins. Here comes another detention for me- I inwardly sighed.

"Why are you here? I'm just a passer-by who needs to get to school. Why can't I go?" I questioned.

"Silence! You will not go until permitted. I don't care about your stupid school. But I'm sure the boss will be happy that we've caught a young'un."

I was outraged. How dare he speak to me like that! He didn't look much older than me. I was resolute that I wouldn't join whatever his 'boss' wanted me to.

Suddenly, I heard a laugh that sent shivers down my spine. An evil laugh like no other. Not the type out of films, no that would have just been funny, this was a heart-chilling chuckle. A laugh that I knew immediately belonged to a person that barely cared about others' welfare. Even before I saw him, I knew I was going to fear this man. As he stepped into the room, my legs turned to jelly and my whole body quaked with fear.....

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