Shakespeare on Math

159 8 11

To do or not to do

That is the question

Whether tis nobler

In the mind to

Suffer the equations

And formulas

Of outrageous number

Or to take arms

Against a sea of problems

And by opposing

Lose credit

To nap, to sleep no more

And by a sleep to

Say we end the headache

And the thousand natural aches

That brains are heir to

Tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wished

To nap, to sleep

To sleep, perchance

To dream, aye

There's the rub

For in that sleep

Of boredom what

Dreams may come

When we have

Shuffled off the

Teacher's voice

Must give us pause

There's the respect

That makes calamity

Of so long life

For who would bare

The theorems and functions

Of math

The teacher's wrong

The proud student's contumely

The pangs of despised labor

The answer's delay

The insolence of classrooms

And the spurns

That patient merit takes

Of the unworthy takes

When he himself

Might his quietus

Make with a stolen answer

Who would fardels bare

To think and work

Under a weary term

But that the dread of something

After grading period

The undiscovered time

From whose born

No student returns

Puzzles the will

And makes us rather

Bare the homework

We have

Than to help others that

We know not of

Thus laziness does make

Jerks of us all

And thus the native hue of resolution

Is sicklied over with the pale cast of thought

And enterprises of great pitch and moment

With this regard

Their currents turn awry

And lose the name of action ----- loud you now

The unfair teacher -----

Catalyst in thy orisons

Be all my sins forgotten

Shakespeare On Math A Parody of Hamlets SpeechWhere stories live. Discover now