Chapter 1| Vivid Dreams

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Hi, my name's Issac but before I tell you about me I want to just ask you to Picture this:

Bathed in the warm light of sunset, a few longtime friends enjoy an outdoor meal together, laughing and talking as they admire the view. Far away, a farmer looks out at his fields and smiles in satisfaction because dark clouds have gathered and the first drops of rain are falling on thirty crops. Elsewhere, a man and his wife are delighted to see thier child take her first wobbly steps.

Okay, I imagine you imagined it.

Now, what sights and noises bring joy to such moments?

The flushed cheeks of a delighted child. The curtains of rain descending on the fields. The reds, golds and violets of a sunset. Our sense of hearing catching the nuances of tone in a well-loved voice, the murmur of the wind through the trees and the ecstatic laugh of a toddler.

If you can imagine this I really envy you.

See, I was born blind, then later on they found out I was deaf. You might think I've been dealt a bad hand in life, but to be honest it could be worse.

I once read or felt, well, you know brail...I read that:

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain.

I have probably, totally misunderstood the meaning of this quote but for me it means to not wait for things to happen but make things happen.

So like I mentioned before, life for me could be worse. I could have no arms, legs or even the sense of taste.

But anyways, my life was actually okay, I guess that I have probably alot to know about the world, but for now, i'm okay with what I know, for now...

Currently i'm being pushed down the street in my chair with wheels, a wheelchair I think they call it, I could feel something cold buffeting my face lightly, I imagined that it was the wind. I let my right hand explore my left hand sleeve so I could find out what I was wearing, I was wearing something with long sleeves a... sweater is it?, it felt heavy and a bit itchy so I guessed it was made out of cotton, which could only mean that It's winter or Autumn.

I hadn't been out in a long time so I was out of touch with the seasons.

All of a sudden, something hit my right arm, It really caught me by surprise, well sudden contact normally does that to me. I reach out with my left arm to touch where I had been hit with something..., that's when I felt someone's frozen hand touching my left hand.

I inhaled sharply due to the cold hand on my hand.

But what happened next would make me do more thatn inhale sharply.

I-I-I Co-Could See. I could see not only see but hear.

I could see everthing, hear everything I was in total awe.

Taxi's beeping horns, infants playing in the park, the bright baby blue sky, It was too much to take in at once, I was awestruck.

I heard someone saying something next to me realizing the frozen hand was still on my hand, I looked up to see who it belonged too, It was a tall man with greased back hair, and sharp features.

Many thoughts crossed my mind, to be honest I thought he was Jesus.

But that was silly, I smiled slightly and looked up at the man,

'I'm so sorry' apologized the man.

'It-It's Fi-Fine' I stuttered.

The man just chuckled lighty removing his hand.

And I was back in the dark again, I was truly devastated, I didn't want to go back so I leapt forward, jumping out of my wheelchair.

Sight and Hearing was suddenly returned to me as the strong grip of the mysterious man lifted me up

'Don't worry I'll be back' He said softly while placing me back in my wheelchair.

A stuttery 'Wh-What' was all I could manage

The man laughed as he let me go and walked away.

'Please, P-Please, don't leave' I pleaded silently.

With that I jolted awake gasping for air, I could feel droplets of sweat falling down my face, I must have screamed beacuse I could feel the hand of my carer on my thigh trying to calm me.

I haven't ever had a dream in my 23 years of existence so why did I have one now, and so real and vivid.

'Why now?' The question milling around my brain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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