Chapter 12- Holding Her

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Chapter 12-

Cody’s POV:

I don’t know what in the bright lights I expected to happen when I flung the door open, but whatever I expected wasn’t what I got. Because what I got was an empty- no deserted hallway.

For some reason I pictured hoards of people or warm cup of coffee, heck I expected a camel named Hermes before I expected nothing. I’m going insane, I’ve really got to get off of this loopy gas. It’ll be the end of me for sure.

I leaned my head out the doorway, looking left and right, but there wasn’t any sign of life anywhere in the area. No sounds besides the buzzing in my ear, no life besides my own presence, no camels outside of my imagination-

I really hate this loopy gas, but you guys get my point. There’s nobody around.

Feeling like I’m in one of those slasher films where the defenseless girl walks out alone, and gets hacked to death I walk slowly, and as noiselessly as a person can when wielding a slightly squeaky crutch, and go left, making my way to the main hallway.

As I make my way along my ankle becomes sorer and sorer, to the point that every time I move I cringe and shut my eyes to hiss at the pain, fruitlessly trying to push it away. I’d stopped trying to be silent a while ago. I needed to stop this pain before I crumpled over from the intensity.

I stopped and sucked in a large breath getting ready to release a yelp-ish scream when I heard someone else’s breathing behind me, causing me to jump and turn around, but I forgot about my ankle, and I dropped to the ground like a ton of dead weight while biting my lip to hold back the blood curdling scream, but it did nothing to stop the whimpers.

I felt two warm hands touch my skin, warming them immediately. It felt nice, but hardly noticeable through the pain.

Speaking of pain another jolt of it shot through my body as I reached my hand down to grab the cast, desperately clawing at it to stop the pain.

And don’t go judging me. I was acting on instinct.

The arms wrapped around me and lifted me into a sitting position so  my legs were folded to the side, and he set my head in his chest as the silent sobs of agony wracked my body- wait when did I start crying? Oh who cares, this hurts too bad to care for anything else.

Gripping onto the large strangers arm that was right in front of my face I gripped hard, trying to relieve this torture in some way.


Jason’s POV: *Wednesday afternoon, in the house*

I was once again walking aimlessly through the halls of the sixth story, waiting for something to catch my interest.

I’d passed off the mysterious girl in that strange room as some kind of weird dream. 1- because I don’t sleep walk unless there’s something important, like the fire when I was six, I had no idea that happened besides that I’d woken up in Rick’s guest bed and no one knew how I’d gotten there. Or when I was eight and my grandma died and my mom was so sad that she’d actually considered killing herself, but I’d walked in and she remembered that she was a mom too and didn’t want to put me through that pain. Anyway, back to the reasons, reason number 2- Harold hadn’t given any hint the next day that any of that had happened, 3- I hadn’t seen hide nor tail of the girl since, 4- I hadn’t seen the doctor person that’d been working on her and ordering Harold around, and reason 5- If I brought it up everyone would probably consider me a lunatic.

The past two days have been the usual, but no time for exploring because I’d had to finish an English paper that was due today, and I didn’t want to get a bad grade on this paper because it was 10% of our grade. Darn you, Shakespeare. Why do you have to be so dang famous?

I’d taken a shower right after getting home from practice which was just a little over an hour ago. I don’t have long before dinner, so I started trying to find my way back to the main hallway when I heard a slight squeaking. Not like a mouse squeak, more like a metal squeak. Like a screw that not tight enough, so when it moves it rubs against the rest of the contraption making the squeaky noise.

As I got closer to the noise, it started to get louder, and after every one I was hearing a slight gasp.

I walked around a bend, expecting to see more colorful walls, black carpet, and fancy doors. All of that was there, but that wasn’t what caught my attention.

The odd colors of the splattered walls didn’t even catch my interest as I saw the back of a girl, with silky black hair with a bright blue colored cast on her foot, white bandages tying her right arm to the side of her body, and her leaning on a crutch gasping in pain.

I think she heard me because she instantly jumped around in surprise, but that disappeared like the flip of a light switch as she landed.

I guess she hurt herself because she fell, and started whimpering in pain.

I didn’t really think as I ran over to her, scooping her frail frame up into my arms. Holding her like she was as fragile as an orchid, and as light as a dove, and nestled her head into my left shoulder, and folder her legs back behind her so she was half sitting on me, and half on the floor, but so that she could no longer reach the leg which she’d been trying to claw at.

She curled into my chest harder, and her body shook, but no sound, save the whimpering, came from her. She got my arm in a death grip, but I didn’t really care. She was no doubt in more pain than me.

I reached my arms around her small frame. I never met a girl this small that wasn’t a child, but she definitely not a child. Not with her figure. No, she has to be at least 16, maybe more, but probably not.

I rubbed soothing circles on her arm, and for the first time I found a crying girl not awkward. Odd. But really who gives a rip?

We just went on like that- her curled in a ball holding her ankle and digging her hand into my arm as hard as she could with her strong grasp.

And it was oddly…………..natural.

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