29: POV Reece (Catching Up)

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Author's Note: 

BAM! TWO CHAPTERS UPLOADED IN A ROW! YOU GUYS LOVE ME ;) I hope this chapter will suffice and make up for the previous chapter! Thank you to all my loyal readers, commenters and voters! I love you to the deepest darkest crevices of the Earth!  My silent readers, don't you worry! Me still loves you too! 


P.S.: This is the longest chapter I have written, legit. 


It’s been five months since Alabama left. Brad and I reached a dead end at Los Angeles and since then we haven’t heard a word. Things have gone from bad to worst. Mom had completely crumpled and isolated herself from everyone and everything. Brody and Shaye were still trying to make loose ends meet. Brad and I were lost. Girls, parties and holidays meant nothing to us anymore but today we had gotten some news. Some great news and we were all in the living room anticipating to hear what it would be.

“Hi! Y’all must be so scared right now but I can assure you that everything is a-okay! Could I get some wine in here please?” The woman sat in a tight red dress, she had silky blonde hair put into and up do and damn she was sexy, I would have done her right there in the living room but I frowned at her request, rude girls on the other hand were such a turn off. Shaye smiled kindly and got up to get her a glass. 

“Thank you sweetie!” She took a sip and smacked her lips before leaning back onto the couch and Shaye made her way back to sit beside Brody, her hand slipping back into his.

“Okay! I’m sorry, I must be so rude. My name is Ashley, Ashley Walsh-”

“Oh I’ve seen you before! Were you on Socialites SC?” It was Brandi, but when everyone turned to stare at her she kept her mouth shut.

“Yes I was sweetheart, it’s so nice of you to notice.” Ashley smiled at her “Y’all must be Alabama Carson’s family?”

Yes, yes we are, do you have any news about my daughter? Please tell me you do” My mom begged.

“Oh Mrs. Carson, don’t you worry I have wonderful news! You see I met your daughter eight a few months ago and I had no idea she was missing, I’m sorry I just never watch the news or magazines only fashion and E! So well, when I heard of this you trust me, I ran all the way here!”

“Is she okay?” Mom was on the verge of tears as everyone gave a sigh of relief to know that Allie was alright.

“Trust me, she’s in good hands. But your daughter is all the way in California and she lives in San Francisco now. By the fisherman’s wharf? I’m sure y’all heard about that place? It’s lovely and she’s got a place there! I suggest you visit her and you know catch up! It would be really nice for her I think, to get back with her family.” Goddamn Allie, she was so sneaky, so smart. Brad and I looked at each other and I literally palmed my face. Of course Allie wouldn’t go to Los Angeles! She wouldn’t be able to live over there! Ashley took something out of her purse and handed my dad a piece of paper to my dad.

“That’s her address, and I know how much y’all want to see her so I’ve booked flights for y’all” She took more papers from her purse and handed us tickets.

“Oh I’m sorry, I’ve only got four tickets. I mean that’s the only existing family members I know of, the ticket box is still open if the rest of you want to get yourself a flight” Ashley winked at us all as she gestured to Jackson, Bradley, Brandi, Lance and Shaye. Ashley sat up and lifted the glass of wine to her lips before swallowing its contents and preparing to leave.

“Oh my God, thank you! You didn’t have to!” Mom was speechless as Ashley put the tickets in her hands. “Do you want to stay and chat? Or-” But Ashley had already made her way to the door and was checking the contents of her purse paying no attention to my mom. I wanted to say something, I wanted to tell her to stop being so rude but she gave us valuable information and being sour wouldn’t help.

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