Sweet Harry Imagine :)

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You are an art student and for a school project you are supposed to paint the most brilliant thing you see. When you are walking around England in a park looking for inspiration you see the most handsome boy you have ever seen. He had brown curly hair and the most brilliant green eyes, and his smile showed off his perfect dimples. You sat on a bench that was where he couldn't see you but you could see him. (so you thought ;)

You began to paint his beautiful face and the nature scene around him. You couldn't help but do more sketches of him in your note book. You had atleast 15 sketches of him. As you were drawing your final sketch of him you see a shadow behind you.

"How long have you been drawing me?" You hear a low raspy voice say and when you turn around there was the same guy you were drawing. He was chuckling a bit and you blushed like crazy.

"Oh I am sorry! I will just throw these away." You said putting some in the trash can next to you but you feel and arm pull your hand back.

"It's fine! I have been watching you over here drawing for the last two hours. Why would you want to throw them away, there amazing." He said.

"Your not mad?" You ask surprised and still blushing.

"No not at all. At first I was a little creeped out but ya know..." He and you both laughed at his comment.

"Well again I am sorry and I should probably get going." You said gathering your stuff, as you began to walk off you hear him call you and you turn around.

"Wait, whats your name?" He asks you and you reply, "(yn). Your's)"

"Harry Styles." He says and then he hands you a piece of paper with his number on it and walks away.

******** Three years latter

"Darcy come back here!" You yell as you and Harry chase your little girl around your back yard. You daughter giggles as Harry tickles her.

"I love you (yn)." He says as you sit next to him.

"I love you too Harry."

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