11.I Want You To Stay.

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Liam's P.OV.

I paled at Lena's actions. I comprehended how she felt, but punching him was not good. On the other side, he deserved it. I feel like shit for actually believing the rumors.

Mark fell to the ground, taken aback by her surprisingly strong punch. I was astounded. She was short, and cute, but she just punched Franklin High's toughest quarterback. That's Lena. She was the kind of girl who seems like a little angel, although when you mess with her, she can break you in half. She was the kind of sweet girl who'd have an argument with you, then immediately apologize, because she feels bad. She was that kind of unique person whom it was absolutely impossible to stay mad at. Her eyes revealed how much she'd be sorry. Her beautiful brown, chestnut eyes that sparkled whenever she smiled. Snap out of it, Liam.

A few of Mark's "buddies" went around him, and helped him regain his balance. He looked like a scared puppy.

Scared for Lena, in less than a second, I was beside her, ready to restrain her if she wants to hit him again.

"You're nothing but a little slut, you know. Sleeping with the Silent freak here won't make you look any better." He blurted out, unknowingly making her flinch with anger.

I felt the heat of her anger on her arms. Her muscles tensed, she wanted to go hit him again. I held her arms tightly. She turned to look at me, as if seeing me for the first time.

My heart ached when I saw the emotions in her eyes. They were infinite. One struck out: Pain. I realized how much she'd been hurting. I nodded at her, and hoped she understood what I mean. I sent her a mental message: He's not worth it.

Her bottom lip started to quiver, and she gulped. She looked at me, then averted her gaze to my arms. I let go, knowing her anger was now controlled. She recovered quickly. Her face was masked with pure hatred.

She advanced towards him. He cowered slightly, preparing for her to hurt him again.

Instead, she stared at him in the eyes.

"I hate you. But you know what? You're nothing but an asshole who has no life. Don't you ever dare say anything bad about me, or the ones I love. For your information, my father was the most noble man on earth. The cement he walked on is 1000 times better than you are. Grow up." She didn't shout, her voice was calm and the venom in her voice was enough to make him flinch again.

She turned to me, as if to say: " Come with me." I obliged, taking long strides.

She walked through the halls, keeping her head down. Our legs just moved, and moved. I didn't know where she was taking me. We were now outside the school, standing on the freshly mown grass. I was on her side, confused. What was I supposed to do now? I am no expert with girls.

Suddenly, she tightly put her arms around me. I hesitantly did the same. Her face was buried in my shoulder. She held on to me as if her life depended on it. I stroked her long, silky hair soothingly.

I waited for my shirt to get wet with her tears, but that never happened. I wondered why. A million thoughts were running through my head. But I was concentrated on one. How could she have been punching a guy, just a moment ago, looking fierce and invincible, yet now appearing so frail and breakable. Lena was so strong. An emotion passed through me. I was kind of happy that she was holding me? What was wrong with me! She's my friend!

We stayed like that for what seemed like a lifetime. Her heavy breathing blowing through my shirt.

At one point, she let go. Lena sat on the grass and crossed her legs. She put her head in her hands.

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