Chapter 2

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They all follow me to the living room like lost puppies. Well, except Niall.  He's still rummaging through my pantry for something to eat.  At the last second, I jump over a robotics mat I had placed there the night before.  They boys behind me come to a very comical stop and fall over.  "What's that?" Niall asks with his mouth full of chips as he walks in.  "A mat," I say.  "We know THAT," Zayn says.  "But what's it for?" "Robots," I tell them.  "Your brother is into robots?" Harry asks as he examines the mat.  "Offensive!" I shout and clutch a hand dramatically to my heart.  "MY robot!"  They all stare at me.  "Yes I'm a robot geek and a girl.  Get used to it."  "Can you show us?" Louis begs as Liam, Harry, and Zayn look at me with puppy dog eyes.  "Curse you adorable British boys!" I scream as I walk to my room.  "Niall's my official new favorite band member because he doesn't care if I show you my robots or not!" I scream from my bedroom.  I grab my robot from my desk along with my guitar and Spanish book.  I'm taking an extra Spanish course over the summer to get high school credits.  The guitar is just because I haven't practiced in a while.  What can I say, I'm an overachiever.  I walk downstairs and set my guitar and book on the table and put the robot down on the mat.  I choose a program that should have them fascinated for a while and start it up.  I then sit and open my book.  As I'm working I hear varied woah's, cool's, and sick's.  I feel someone peeking over my shoulder so I look up.  I'm met with a pair of green iris'.  "What are you doing, love?" Harry asks.  "I'm taking a Spanish course over the summer to get high school credits," I reply and go back to my book.  "What grade are you in?" he asks.  "I'm going into 8th grade this year," I say.  I hear him gasp and motion the other boys over.  He tells them what I'm doing.  They all look at me with impressed looks on their faces.  "So let me get this straight," Liam says.  "You're a engineer, an overachiever, and a musician?" he asks in disbelief as he gestures to my guitar and piano.  "Don't forget athlete.  I'm on the best soccer, well football for you guys, team in the area, I do competitive swimming, and I play basketball off and on. I'm also a first degree black belt in karate."  "You, Maya Walters, are one amazing girl," Louis says clearly astonished.  Just then I start coughing again.  Really hard.  The room blurs and everything goes black.

Adopted By The Idiots On My Doorstep(One Direction Adoption Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now