Harry Imagine

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You are good in every subject but math, so you are taking tutouring. You walk into the classroom where you are supposed to be taking classes, then you see the badboy Harry Styles. He waves at you and you do a slight smile and sit far away from him.

"Hi." He said staring at you, you begin to get uncomfortable.  "H-hi."   "I am Harry." "(y/n)" You nod and focus your attention on your book.

"What are you here for?" You ask Harry avoiding eye contact.   "Math tutouring. You?" He asks you with a smirk on his face. "same." He nods and even though you aren't looking at him you could tell he was staring at you.  "Can I help you?" You say clearly annoyed. He winks at you and stops staring! Finally the teacher walks in. "Hello how are you today." She started to take out her papers. Harry moved where he was sitting at the desk in front of you!

"Okay lets see, lets get started with fractions." She handed you and Harry a worksheet and you began to work on it. Then you feel something rubbing your thigh. "HEY!" You say pushing Harry's hand off, he smirks.

"Is there a problem (y/f/n/)?" The teacher asks and you put on a fake smile. "No problem here!" You say giving her a thumbs up.

Again as you continued to work he began again. "I have a boyfriend." You lied to get him to stop. He whispered back "I think I know who your boyfriend is," you look at him confused, "It's me." He winks and you blush. "In your dreams!" You whisper yell at him. He does his familiar bad boy smirk and you roll your eyes.

"Okay you may go now!" The teacher said sounding relieved. You litteraly ran out the of the room to your car. Just as you were about to get in you felt somebody pull you!

"HELP I AM BEING KIDNAPPED!" You yell. You see Harry and he chuckles.

"I prefer to call it surprise adoption!" He said still holding on to your waist. You roll your eyes.

"Would you just leave me alone."

He cuts you off by kissing you, pressing his soft lips against yours slowly. You couldn't help but kiss him back, he pulled away.

"Call me tonight babe!" He said and handed you a little piece of paper.


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