A little bit of Light (18)

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*Quinn’s POV*



The highest suicide rate is on Monday. Understandable. But this [particular Monday morning I’m nothing if not cheerful to be off to school. I wasn’t exactly in a ‘party mood’ this weekend. If it isn’t bad enough that I’m living with someone I want so bad but know it’s wrong to have him, there’s also Tia.

See, something I never expected to happen with Tia happened. We became friends-and wonderful one’s at that. She was funny, witty, fun and easy going. I was starting to really form a friendship with her. Which means that when she disappeared at lunch on Friday and wouldn’t awnser my texts-I was freaked.

I’d texted and called multiple times on the weekend and even stopped by her house once, where a very uncomfortable looking mother told me she wasn’t home. I had no idea what I’d doen wrong, and all I wanted to do was make it right. Strangely all Tyson wanted to do was make-out.

I don’t know if it’s suspicious or if it simply encouraged him, but when Tia stopped acting like a girlfriend towards me, Tyson started acting like a boyfriend. A very flirty boyfriend who couldn’t keep his hands to himself. In fact, my ass is sore from all the unexpected pinches and slaps.

Even as I roll over to get out of bed, he pulls me back to him. Now, don’t for a millasecond think I approved this. He’s taken up the habbit of waiting until I fall asleep then crawling into bed with me. I feel my back press against his front and try to fight of the relaxation this causes.

Warmth and wetness mingle on the back of my neck for a moment. I close my eye’s and receive the kiss, to tired of resisting to complain. No, I’m not letting him have his way. But to say he’s the only one starving for affection would be a lie. Just his hands on my waist make me want to freeze the moment.

“Don’t get up” he pleads. “Lets stay home today”

“You did something” I mumble in reply. He’s silent.

“Tyson…how would you like it if I told Katy you were gay?”

“Maybe I’m bi” he retorts “We’ve never discussed it”

“You’re to gay to be bi” I sigh. Snuggle my pillow. “What did you do?”

“Fell in love with my step brother” he replies. My heart gives a little squeze and I slip out of the bed.

The morning feels cold and empty. I want to hop back in bed, guid Tyson’s lips to mine, and convince him it’s only me he loved. I wanted to remove our clothes and give him what he wanted, everything he wanted. I wanted to be perfect-for him. Lifes not a romance novel though, so I started getting ready for my day.

I’d taken up the habit of walking to school. I wasn’t really a ‘walking’ kind of guy and prefer the bus by miles. That didn’t mean much. Standing at the bus stop, watching Tyson with Katy all over him, hearing him laugh and her giggle….disgusting.

As I walk to school, I check my phone religiously. No missed events. Dammit. I glance around, surveying the day. The wind is bitter cold, every time it darts past it bites at my skin, making me wish Tyson was here to warm me up. I close my eye’s for a moment and imagine he is.

That’s what gets me the rest of the way to school. I flip between pretending he’s my boyfriend not my step brother, and that he’s waiting for me at school, and that we’re like we were just weeks ago, living in a closet that was comfortable and filled to the brim with love.

*Quinn’s Imagination*


We’d just made love. Our naked legs were still tangled under the cool covers, but then again, everything felt cool because we were so feverishly warm. My back ached pleseantly and his tired lips continued to explore the stretch of skin between my neck and shoulder blade. “You were amazing”

A little bit of Light (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now