Clair at Night

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She was awake.  I could see her eyes.  She was awake and knew there was something going on.

None of the other girls I've watched at night ever woke up.  I mean, they did, but never been AWAKE awake.  They'd lift their head off the pillow, maybe look around, half asleep.  But, Clair was not half asleep. 

The moon reflected off her eyes.  She was looking right at me.

I was crouched to the left of her window, the one I came into her bedroom through.  I'd rested on something plastic, the sound of it cracking under my weight made her stir.  Whatever it was, it was stabbing me in the back of my thigh, by my buttocks.  It hadn't gone through my pants, or broke skin, but it hurt like all hell.  And I couldn't move myself to relieve the pain.  If I did, Clair would definitely see me.

She had her eyes trained right over where I was hiding, in the shadows.  She couldn't see me, or much of anything, but she was aware that whatever noise she heard was real, and not some dream.  Any other girl would be back to sleep by now, and I'd trained myself to sit real still for another five or ten minutes, as to not break the sleep again. 

In Clair's bedroom, things were quite different.  Clair remained seated upright for several minutes, motionless.  She knew... something.  She was as still as I was, listening for anything.  It wasn't for nearly ten minutes before she seemed to take a breath, and another ten before she settled back under her covers.  I could tell, by her measured breathing, that she was still very alert.  So, I remained motionless -- plastic thing pinching my leg -- for over an hour and a half.

I didn't get to watch Clair much, like I've done with all the other girls.  I didn't dare get close to her, to watch and feel her.  There was no way.  I would be dead meat.  No, instead, I spent the next two hours just waiting for a good time to leave.  By the time I got out and home, it was close to 4 am.  The next day was not going to be a pleasant one, with the lack of sleep, and lack of excitement.

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