The dead don't cry

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Hey guys, this is my first book so um I hope you like it .~T


"Owwie " screamed Steve as he crashed into locker and stubbled to the cold marble ground. Steve layed on the ground, groaning and screaming in pain "Haha, he is such a loser!" cried Kailee play punching John and Luke on the shoulder. John grabbed his stomach and started laughing with little tears slipping out of his eyes.

Luke rolled his eyes and smirked. He slapped John on top of his head fairly hard making him quickly jump up and go back to reality. They rolled their eyes. Kailee and John turned around and walked again into chemistry class while Luke gave Steve a evil glare. "You better stay out of our way or else." He said with no expression. "Or what?"

Steve managed to spit out with enough courage to stand up. Steve was 5'8 and didn't even come up to Luke's chin who was 6'4. Before Luke could say another word Liz came out of nowhere and blocked John before he could hurt him again. "Good-bye to you Luke." She said in her raspy voice. He held up a fist and put it down as soon as the 4th bell rang.

He bolted to chemistry without a word." I told you you would get hurt if u go by them. You know you don't stand a chance against them, Steve!" Liz said walking towards woodshop class. Steve looked at her.

Her blonde hair sparkled in the light. Her scar that she got from John when he cut her on the side of her face was almost faded away since it was 2 years ago. She was about the same height of Steve which was pretty tall since her parents are short. Her crystal blue eyes were shining. " I know!" He shouted and stomped away.


" I'm so hungry!" cried Chris setting his plate down on the table. The cafeteria was always crowded. They were lucky if they could get a table , but when they did, no one sat beside them. Chris picked up his juicy chicken leg and ate away. " Hey, where is Steve?" Liz said looking around. " I don't know?" He said spitting chicken chunks at Liz. " EWW, just don't talk!" Liz giggled. "Hey freaks!" Kailee screamed walking up to Liz and Chris. She handed her plate to Luke and stood there making the room go silent and all eyes on her." What do you wa-" before Liz could finish Kailee took her yogurt and pushed it into Chris' face. Chris stood up. His shaggy brown hair was covered in yogurt as well as his face.

Chris walked up to the doors and opened them up then slammed them making the cafeteria go into a burst of laughter.

" Why do you have to be rude to everyone you talk to. Does that brighten your day to see 15 years olds cry because you hurt them. You physically hurt me with John's stupid knife and cut me down the side of my face!" She yelled pointing to the scar. The room went silent once again. "Oh, now I get it! That's why you don't have any friends you age. You have two sophomores that are your BFF's right!" She screamed.

Luke grabbed her arms and flung her to the exit sign. He opened the doors and pushed her outside. The smell of the fresh air and the noise of the cars that went by made Liz feel a little bit better. Luke took his fist and punched her seven times in the jaw. He kneed her in the rib making blood spray out of her mouth. He took her arm and punched the outside of it making her have an ear piercing scream. He threw her to the ground and ran back inside. She laid there not willing to move. She knew her jaw and arm were broken. She could barely breathe so she figured he had fractured her ribs.

Chris came out from the side of the school out of breath and bleeding from underneath his eye. he knelt by Liz. "Can you move?" He asked huffing and puffing. She shook her head with a million tears coming out of her eyes. Chris moved his fingers underneath her picking her up. " AHHHHH!" Liz screamed in pain. Chris knew he couldn't go back to the school so he walked out of the school parking lot and made his way to the forest.

(They had a fort out there with video games, a tv, a bathroom, a mini bar, and an orange couch on ether side of the wall. )


As Chris opened the doors he set her down on the couch and saw Steve laying there not moving with a knife in his hands. A pool of blood was in the middle of the floor and on the couch. Chris screamed and Liz didn't open her eyes. He shook her. "Liz!" He cried. He shook her again. "Liz wake up right now!" He felt her pulse but there was nothing. Chris let out some tears. Falling on Liz. The door slammed shut and he felt cold breath on his shoulder.





Hope you guys liked the first part of it. If you have any ideas comment them. Thanks~T

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2013 ⏰

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