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Hey wattpad thats a new story I hope you all will like, so ehem imma do this... Hope you support me!


Minna's P.O.V.

I woke up early hating what i call it MONSTERday.

I got up, out of my bed but regretted it once i stepped out of it.

It was cold.

I ran right into the shower and took a hot bath, dried myself than got ready for school.

I curled my hair naturally and added a bit of mascara to add into my eyelashes volume, then turned out to wear some kind of a navy blue shorts and a white one sleeved shoulder shirt and putted my white converse on.

Noah, my brother, was supposed to take me to school each morning.

I ran downstairs screaming "Noah! First day of school and you're still in bed! Move!!"

Noah was last night out with his bunch of what he call 'best friends' they were called man whores, some name everyone, in general, called them with.

"I'm out common sis we are supposed to pass by Jason's place!" He shouted.

Holy Mother Of God.

Not Jason.

Jason Stone is the worst guy out of my brother's friends.
They are all warm and funny when you hang out around them but not Stone, damn his last name says it all.

I grabbed my keys then locked the doors after me and hopped into my brother's jeep.

As Noah drove to the Stone's place I just admired their expensive, victorian looking house, with it vast garden and high windows.

On the other hand my brother texted his best buddy, to inform him of our presence.

After a while, Jason came out, wearing his best bad ass look with his sexy morning messy hair and his white top sticking to his muscular body, showing off all his hard work and time spent over working out all this summer.

He hopped in our car and sent my brother a small nod, passing me one too.

He didn't speak much actually.

"Hey man, sup?" Noah cheered.

"I woke up with a huge headache, I think it's caused by last night's events." He sighed, sounding really overworked.

"No wonder, you drank much last night." Noah laughed it off.

Last night was the huge goodbye summer party, spent over the beach around a good fire, and a bunch of great people, but as always teens tend to get very stupid while drinking and can never control it.

The ride to school was calm, but I was very exited to begin with my year already, I was finally a senior.

Stepping into the halls, greeting every friend of mine, some I actually just had a bunch of classes with or projects.

Checking on my lockers number and calendar this year, I go on a mission finding my bestfriend Sarah.

Finding her at her locker with her back to me I threw in a hello trying to surprise her.

She jumped and slapped me accusing me of scaring her, then she hugged me as I hugged her back.

"Well what's up?" She smiled at me with her bright smile and beautiful big brown eyes.

"Nothing much, really."

I saw one of my brothers man whore coming our way and asking me to keep it calm, nodding his way I smiled at my friend.

He covered her eyes from the back.

Ryan was Sarah's boyfriend.

He was the kind of athletic guy.

Most of my brothers friend were on the footbal team so they were all athletic guys and well known around school.

"Guess who ?" he smirked kissing her neck gently,

"Ehem Santa ?" she laughed,

"Nice try babe" he let go of her and then she turned around as he pressed his lips on hers softly.

"Ehem!!" I cleared my throat.

Stopping them was too sad when they both frowned at me as if nothing was wrong.

Excusing myself to hit my class early, I turned around on my feet to bang right in someones hard muscular chest. I looked up. "Oh."


I actually rewrote this chapter to be more appealing, hope it's much better.

P.S: English is my third language.

Thank you xoxo

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