That day

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Chapter 1: what'sgoing on?

I awoke to a silent house. Usually, I would hear my mom's cheery voice yelling "Jack get up!" But, there was not even a peep coming from downstairs.

Maybe she went to work?

Although she said that she didn't have work today, she often happens to read the schedule wrong.

Quickly i got up so i could get ready.

I combed my jet black hair while looking in the mirror, my blue eyes shining.

As quick as possible I got dressed and then headed down stairs to make myself some breakfast.

When i made it downstairs i headed towards my dads study to see if he was at home. Although, a noise from behind me caught my attention.

What was that?

"Hello?" I called out.

"Mom? Dad?" I questioned but there was no answer.

I swiftly scanned my surroundings.

There was nothing.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips.

Suddenly, I heard the noise again but this time it sounded closer.

I turned around to come face to face with a....zombie?!

Before I could register anything, the zombie tackled me to the ground.

Using my leg muscles I kicked the zombie off of me and ran towards the kitchen drawers.

Pulling out a butcher knife I aimed it at the zombies head.

I dogged a smack that the zombie sent my way and hit it on the head with the butcher knife.

But.....nothing happened?!


Quickly I sprinted towards the garage.

Turning the handle I ran in, towards my fathers tool box.

Grabbing his expensive hammer I held in steadily in my hands and headed back towards the kitchen, but the zombie met me half way.

As hard and fast as I could I took 4 good hits on the zombies head managing to only get a little scratch on my forearm.

The zombie fell to the floor with his brain oozing out of the skull.

Was I still dreaming?! Because the only thing going through my head is......


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