015 | Missing Chickens

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The gunshot shattered the air, and suddenly chaos erupted on the field. Rick let out a loud yell, whirling around to see where the gunshot came from. At the same time, Daryl, Glenn, Shane and T-dog rushed to Elodie's side, Glenn dropping to his knees beside her and quickly turning her head to the side, causing her to let out a pained whimper.

"Stop," she murmured, tears prickling in her eyes. "It hurts, it really hurts—"

"You're alive," Glenn breathed, relief flooding his voice as he looked up at the others. "She's okay! She's alive, guys—"

Shane knelt beside Elodie next, brushing her blood-stained hair aside to check the wound. It was quite a big gash on her temple, but it was also just a graze. It could have been a lot worse.

"What're you all doin', sittin' there just lookin' at her!" Daryl growled with a swing of his arm, the other clutching his side. "Get her to Hershel!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Glenn said hastily as he stood back up, almost stumbling over his own feet.

Shane lifted Elodie's unconscious body into his arms, her head lolling slightly to the side. "Hang in there, kid," he muttered as he turned and started to march off toward the farm.

"Hurts," Elodie said weakly, tears streaming down her face before her body went limp in his arms, her arm falling slack.

They raced back to the farm, the ground blurring beneath their feet as they ran. Andrea and Dale came running up to them, Andrea's face twisted in horror.

"Oh my God! Is she dead?" she cried as she reached them, holding out her hand to gently touch Elodie for any sign of life.

"Unconscious. You just grazed her," Rick replied, his breaths coming heavy.

Daryl's blood boiled as he watched Andrea's panicked approach. His eyes narrowed, his muscles tensing with rage. Andrea's hand hovered over Elodie's unconscious form, her face contorted in anguish.

"Oh, God. I'm sorry! I'm so—"

Daryl's fists clenched at his sides, his jaw tight with anger. "Sorry ain't gonna cut it," he snapped, his voice rising. "Ya need to watch where you're aimin', damn it!"

His words echoed across the field, cutting through the chaos like a knife. Andrea's face paled even further, her eyes brimming with tears. She didn't say anthing after that, only followed as everyone rushed to the farmhouse.

"What the hell happened?" Glenn asked in panic.

"Hey—isn't this Sophia's?" T-Dog's voice cut through the tension, holding up the doll they had found.

"Don't matter right now," Daryl growled in response as he turned around to hit Shane's arm to tell him to keep going. "Keep goin'! She'll damn bleed out."

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