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"Your a hard woman to find Mrs.Isabella Swan."

"Its Miss."

"I've heard it both ways."

"I'm sure you have,now why are you here?"

"Like I said your a hard woman to find."

He pulled out what looked to be a picture.

"Can you explain to me why the picture I was told to find you by looks nothing like you,don't get me wrong you are drop dead gorgeous but your not blonde."

I gave him a sly smile and replied,"that's for me to know and for you to find out isn't it."

"Oh I intend to."

In seconds my mind came up with a million ways to get rid of him,but I decided it would be easier to just tell him what he wanted to know.

"When I was with some friends I met a man who had an amazing power,he could absorb the gift of any individual,luckily he decided to bestow that gift unto me and my daughter."

"So you steal other vampires powers?"

"We don't like to think of it as stealing."

"What do you like to think of it as then?"

"Borrowing for intensive purposes."

"Ah,and what does The Volturi think of the gift you have inhabited?"

"The Volturi sees no danger in the gift they were actually very thrilled to have had discovered the gift,they even searched for the man who given it to us."

"Did they find him?"

"Unfortunately no,he had appeared to have dropped off the face of the earth,which as you might know when being hunted by the Volturi is very hard thing to do."

The look on his face told me that he had never been in any predicament or situation of any sort to have the Volturi in such haste to find him. So I decided to share my story of my experience.

"I can see you don't know of the Volturi as well as I do,so I've decided to share with you my time with them. Let's see where to start,I had one of those rare human-vampire relationships that you have heard about,but It didn't last,on the first night of our honeymoon he had decided that my protection was far more important than our love for each other. So after we'd had sex I woke the next morning to find a goddamn note on the bed saying that he was leaving me-"


I nodded my head in understanding and continued my story."But what he didn't know was that I was pregnant with my beautiful daughter Olivia." I reached over and caressed her cheek."And after about say five weeks or so I conceived and after about fifteen years she was a fully matured half-vampire. I ran from the Volturi at first because of the stories I'd heard about them but they welcomed me in and accepted me and my daughter. I trained with them for four years completing missions and collecting abilities,until finally I decided I was ready to live on my own. They let me go,but they tried and tried to loosen my desire to leave by replacing my ties with a desire to stay instead. They had a vampire named Chelsea who tried, and a part of her power was transferred to me."

"That doesn't answer my question though, how were you able to change your features and hide your scents?"

"In my travels I met many vampires with many gifts one just happened to have a specific power to change ones appearance. As for the scent I also received that gift from a vampire in the same coven basically if you did not wish to be found your scent would disappear for as long as you needed. You're only here cause I let my defenses down long enough for you to follow it.

"Well hey don't beat yourself up to much let's just say for this once I was lucky. And I hope you find him."

I looked at him in confusion.

"The ass who left you."

"Oh I intend to."

He gave me an amused smile when I reused his words from earlier,and ran to give me a kiss on my cheek. And with that he was gone.

I looked over at Olivia who had fallen asleep sometime during my story. This encounter was too close,our cover could be blown I decided that it was time to find a new place,and I knew exactly where to go. It's time to pay a visit to some old friends.


Sorry!!! I forget things easily so yeah you may have noticed that there was nothing here at first fear not I am adding these little closings to all of the parts I have recently uploaded....again sorry if this was a complication of was frustrating in anyway:(




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