A Troubling Question

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"Bring it back." Alegra's stood with her feet firmly planted on the ground and her hands on her hips.

Ignoring her, Terrell opened the fridge. His head disappeared within as he rummaged around.

Seeming to realize she wouldn't get him to listen, Alegra turned to Orion. The twins disappeared out of the door, boards under their arms as they headed off to school.

"Come on! You're the sensible one, right?" Alegra pleaded with the brains of the crew.

"If I bring it back I'm the one who'll have to deal with the blame," Orion replied calmly from where he lounged on the couch. Though it was the morning, he looked like he hadn't slept at all.

Naomi was playing with Mo in a corner.

Sahara grabbed her board. She was going to be late for class if she stayed. Her eyes drifted to where Terrell was still rummaging. He's not going to school. She turned to Alegra and Orion. Somehow she doubted either of them were going either. With a shrug, she turned to the door.

"Terrell," Alegra tried again.

"Jeeze!" Terrell slammed the fridge door shut. "Why do women nag so much?"

Sahara had just reached the door when Terrell's voice stopped her.

"Hey, good looking girl about to leave."

Sahara slowly turned around.

"You forgot breakfast." Terrell tossed something at her.

Sahara reached out her hands, fumbled, but then successfully took a hold of the small package. She glanced down to see it was a quick meal she could heat in the wrapper and eat on the way. She looked up only to have Terrell shoot her a dazzling smile.

"Stop trying to seduce her!" Alegra snapped.

"Trying?" Terrell cocked his head to the side, as though never having heard that word before.

Sahara slipped out the door, leaving the bickering behind. She had been pleasantly surprised that the whole crew had still been there when she woke up. I expected Terrell to have disappeared again...not to mention Alegra... She hopped on her board and headed off.

Entering the busy streets she cracked the small package in her hands, waited a few seconds, and then opened it. She found a warm bun like type of food in her hands. Not questioning what it was, she ate as she boarded.

She made it to school just as the bells rang for classes to start. LCS were already standing around outside, watching for any latecomers or Regona students who would change their mind at the last minute and try sneak off.

Sahara whipped past them and left her board locked before she hurried down the loud hallway towards her classroom. She was only half aware of how things almost seemed twice as chaotic and even more eyes than usual followed her before whispers followed behind her back.

The dimly lit stairs to the classroom she shared with the Omega's was no longer as scary as Sahara had first thought them to be. She bounded down them, a spring in her step and a smile on her face. Nothing could dampen her mood. Not when the Falcons were back together.

She burst into the classroom, humming without even realizing it. Upon reaching her desk she sat down, smile still on her face. Only when she looked up did she notice two Omegas were glaring at her.

"What?" Sahara asked.

There was no reply as eyes turned away.

Sahara's gaze remained on one empty desk. It belonged to Glen.

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