Another one?

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After school was over Maliah and I walked back home with Arlo trailing behind us.
"I completely forgot to ask you earlier, did you also get an invitation?" She suddenly asked.
"Um yeah,I got it yesterday. "
"Omg! Are you gonna go?!"
"I don't know right now Mal."
"You totally should go with Arlo and I."
"Mal! I haven't even opened it yet."
"That doesn't matter."
I rolled my eyes at her.
"You can come shopping with me if you are worried about it costing to much money." She offered.
"I don't know Mal,let me think about it,okay?"
The truth was is I was scared of it costing to much money,Marah hardly makes enough money to pay the bills every month,so how's she going to be able to pay for a week's worth of fancy dresses,shoes and anything else that I might need?
"Listen Bri,I'm going shopping tomorrow if you want to come, we both know I get more allowance than what I need."
"I'll think about it Mal." I promised before heading inside.

"Hey hun." Mar greeted as I walked into the kitchen.
"Hi." I say down at the table and put my head down.
"Tough day?" She asked.
I just grumbled in response.
"Well this might make it better,you have another mysterious letter on the counter."
I looked up and looked at her confused.
"Another one?"
She nodded her head and brought it over to me.
"You might want to open it." She suggested.
I thought about it for a minute.
"The more you think about it the more problems will appear with it so just open it Bri."
I broke the wax seal and pulled out the folded paper.

Dear Miss Brielle Graves,
We are inviting you to attend our ball at the Hardington's castle.
This will be a masquerade ball lasting for one week exactly.
There will be rules that everyone attending the ball must follow, failure to do so will have you eliminated.
One of the rules is you must keep your mask on at all times except when you are by yourself in your room.
You must also have a different outfit for every event.
Each lady will have an assigned color for their dresses.
These rules will be explained more at the first event.
To except or decline this invitation please check either the yes or no box and put it in your mail box for your mail man to take.

Thank you.
Zyran and Alaric Hardingto.

"Eeeeekk!" Marah streaked in my ear. "You should accept it!"
"I don't know Mar."
"It could be fun,plus I know Mal is going!"
"But-" I began but got quickly interrupted.
"Don't you start worrying about money I'll handle everything!"
"Mar! Will you shut up and listen!?"
If looks could kill I would have been killed a hundred times.
"Thank you,I'm not worried about the money I'm worried about how no one in town has ever met or seen them and now all of a sudden they are hosting a random ball for a week straight that right as school gets out!"
"Maybe they are just trying to be nice and have a party to celebrate you guys graduating?"
"Look why don't we eat dinner, watch a movie and you can sleep on this,okay?"
"Yeah I guess that's okay."

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