Oh hey there mr bad boy...

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*Repost because Wattpad somehow unpublished this chapter :|

Look at me. Imma bad boy in my leather jacket and sleeked back hair. I've got a nice, yummy six pack and... Ball so hard mother fuckers wanna fine me! That shit cray! That shit cray! 

(Sometimes I read through this and I'm surprised by the stuff I write.) 

Ok everyone! Today I shall be talking about... Wait for it... Bad boys!!! 

Ah, don't we love them: those arrogant jerks that put their balls into ever basket, treat girls like underwear and care more about their hair than their sexual health.  

Yeah! I'm talking about them!  

So let me put this straight. Bad boys are not attractive, unless you either: 

A. Have a massive problem 

B. Have a thing for being treated like crap because you love it and find it amazing *strange* 

C. Are very desperate to get laid or just plain desperate for a boyfriend. 

D. Are just plain fucking dumb. 

There. I just said it. 

Maybe I'm asexual or have a problem, but I do not like bad boys. There are quite a few that live down my street and are total douches and I swear they have herpes! Back to the rant. Why the hell are there flipping gazillion stories on this effing site of good girls falling for the bad boy? Why?   

I mean, yeah, it can happen but the idea has been used too many frigging times.  

This is the basic plot line.  

Good girl sees bad boy. The fairies come into her brain and turn her into some stupid bimbo and she falls on love with him, they go out, he treats her like shit, something happens and then he changes.  

Bitch please. As far as I know, bad boys don't change that easily. I mean, if he's banged the entire cheerleading squad and treated all of them like toilet paper, what makes you think he'll change for you, the scrawny goody too shoes girl with a clean slate? 


Gosh I should be a motivational speaker. 

The entire plot line of 'I'm a good girl who fell for the bad boy.' Or 'falling for the bad boy' is stupid and is all the same.  

Some people need a high dose of frigging originality. Like, honestly.  

People need to think of different plots. How about two baddies going together and see which one can be the baddest. In Confessions Of A Bitch (totally not self advertising here) two baddies go together to solve a murder, and I have an entire mind blowing ending that will make my readers hate me forever and no, they don't die. Or can't people write about a good boy falling for a bad girl, or just a normal, average story of two people falling in love without the over cliche and over dramatic drama. 

My parents fell in love. No one was being abused, going through depression, was a werewolf or going through a mate problem. Dad wasn't a bad boy and mum a goody two shoes girl -actually I think mum was. They just met, fell in love, had a couple of fights along the way, married, had me *oh jolly!* and a couple more kids. 

Yeah, they're not perfect. Their lives aren't perfect, and neither is their love story. But you know what, that's life. Yes, life isn't perfect. It isn't all sweet and rosy and its not the way it's portrayed in mother effing books by teenagers taking dope! But guess what, their love story to me, is wonderful because I think that's what love is: fighting for something you want, sticking together through thick and thin and raising badass kids like me together. 

Crap I'm getting emotional and I don't know why. I shall just go and keep on staring at photos of khal drogo and wait for my own love story. Speaking of khal drogo, Game Of Thrones will soon be coming back! Be ready bitches!!! 

So, as a final note, please stop the whole bad boy craze and write something original. If you want something to write, I dare you to write a story/poem of an average love story. Make your characters go through real trials other than those of "where are my socks" or "Does my butt look huge in this?" Make it real and tangible. Make it special.

Yeah. I'm done.  

Bye :)

Tell me what you think.  

(Do you find it confrontational when it's in second person? I don't mean too, but it happens. Just tell me :) )

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