6. Reputation Slide Goin' Down.

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Ever since the little "incident" with Mark, every single person has been staring at me like I was some sort of disease. Honestly, I didn't give a fudging potato. I was me, I did the right thing. If people don't like that, they can go hit their head on a wall of bricks. Then get eaten by a hungry lion. Even Stacy, who was my "friend", now acts as if I don't exist. Wow! What a true friend! Mark my sarcasm.  


My stomach gurgled. I clutched my abdominal muscles to stop the noise of a dying whale.  

The bell rang, signaling lunch time. I was happy dancing, from the inside. 

I walked rapidly through the crowded hallways. I couldn't wait to buy lunch!  

"Go on, run you little whore." 

These words made me freeze. I turned around, to the owner of the voice. 

A group of boys were huddled around me, and...Mark? He was lazily leaning against a locker, a huge smirk plastered on his face. My eyebrows pulled up. 

"What did you say?" I said slowly, as if I was talking to a child. 

"Didn't you hear me? I said you were a whore. I bet your car accident made you just a little bit deaf." 

His words made me gasp loudly. How did he know? I clenched my teeth, and chose not to answer. He took that as a sign to continue talking. 

"Or is it the fact that your daddy died? Poor little Rosie,"  

My eyes widened. H-He called me by the name my father used to call me with. How did he know about the accident? Everything was known during elementary school, but now, it was a secret. The look of pity was now nonexistent in people's eyes. 

Mark took his time walking towards me, and before I knew it, he was two inches away from me. I stayed silent, not knowing what to expect. My eyes observed him. His face was full of malice, and hate. I hated him.  

His hands reached out to tuck a strand of my hair. I flinched and stepped away from him.  

"Don't you dare touch me! How the hell do you know about my accident?" I screamed.  

Now, almost the whole school was surrounding us. Every eye was glued on Mark and I.  

"Let's say I have my sources,"  

"Oh, so you stalk me?" 

"I call that investigating, babe,"  

He kept advancing towards me, and I kept backing up. I felt so alone. No one was there to defend me. 

I felt anger boil in my veins. It was time to practice my black belt karate skills.  

I let all my furiousness at a hard kick. In Mark's precious jewels.  

The whole crowd gasped, then they started cheering for me. I felt my heart smile in satisfaction. But my face stayed expressionless. 

He immediately fell to the ground, crouched. He groaned in pain, while clutching his manhood.  

"This will teach you to mess with me, or my family, you freaking douchebag." 

With that, I let my spit land on him. 

He was rolling around like a dog. 

I turned around, happy, and walked away, showing the whole school how I can be.  

Lena:2 Bitches:0 

Franklin High is bringing out another side in me.  

Yet, no matter what, I will always be shy, Lena.  

Right now, all I needed was a piece of hot, cheesy pizza to satisfy my stomach. 


I loved writing this chapter! Thank you all so much for the support. I know this was short, and I'm sorry. It was just a filler. The next one will be much longer, please tell me your opinions! :) 

Who likes Bad Lena? I know I do! 

Please vote, comment, and read! 

Stay beautiful. 




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