101 Best 'Yo Mama' Jokes

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Warning: Some of these may prove vulgar or a tad inappropriate for younger readers.

1. Yo mama's so fat that the Sorting Hat put her in all four houses!

2. Yo mama's so fat that a wingardium leviosa spell couldn't lift her.

3. Yo mama is so stupid that it took her 2 hours to watch 60 Minutes!

4. Yo mama is so hairy that they filmed "Gorillas in the Mist" in her shower!

5. Yo mama is so dirty that the US Government uses her bath water as a chemical weapon.

6. Yo mama is so fat that she took geometry in high school just cause she heard there was gonna be some pi.

7. Yo mama is so poor that when I saw her kicking a can down the street, I asked her what she was doing, and she said "moving."

8. Yo mama is so fat that her bellybutton gets home 15 minutes before she does.

9. Yo mama is so fat that the last time she saw 90210, it was on a scale.

10.Yo mama is so fat that I took a picture of her last Christmas and it's still printing!

11. Yo mama is so fat that she was arrested for having 10lbs of crack!

12. Yo mama is so dumb she tried to drown a goldfish.

13. Yo mama is so ugly that bob the builder took one look at her and said "I can't fix that.'

14. Yo mama is so dumb she threw a rock at the ground and missed!

15. Yo mama is so fat that dora can't even explore her.

16. Yo mama so hairy the only language she could speak was wookie!

17. Yo mama so fat that when she sat on the iPod it turned into an iPad!

18. Yo mama so fat when she jumped in the pool the pool jumped out!

19. Yo mama so Fat she sat on the titanic and it sunk!

20. Yo mama so dumb she got locked in a supermarket and died of starvation!

Next 20 coming soon!

101 Best 'Yo Mama' JokesWhere stories live. Discover now