Chapter 18 (Part 1)

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This chapter is R-rated. If you don't want to read it, skip the part after the two** signs until you see them again. 


"H-Hello?" Dana looked at Ethan's anxious face. She held on to the phone a little tighter and repeated, "William?"

"Dana?" Dana wasn't sure why he sounded surprised. "I thought you wouldn't call."

"I was calling about the letter you gave me the night before." Dana had rehearsed this conversation with the detective before calling William. However, she still found it nerve-racking.

"And? What did you decide, hun?"

"Tell me where and when. I'll meet you there." She said confidently. 

All they needed was this information. Then Dana's job would be done and it would be the law enforcement official's turn to play their part.

"I'm glad to hear that. Let's meet for dinner tomorrow. I'll text you my Penthouse's address. And hey? Wear the chain that I sent you in that envelope. It reminds me of the good times we had together."

Dana nodded, as if he could see. "Sure."

"I still love you very much, Dana. Even after what you did. That is true love, isn't it, sweetheart?" His deep voice sent a chill down her spine.

"Yes, yes it is." She looked over at Ethan who stood with an angry expression on his face. Her attention when back to William when she heard him sigh. 

"I need to ask you something. Not now though. I can wait until we see each other."

"Okay." She didn't know what else to say.

"I'll see you then, beautiful." He said before hanging up.

Dana made sure the call was disconnected before looking up and saying, "it's done. He'll text me the address of the place where we are supposed to meet."

"Fantastic. That's all you need to do, Dana. We'll take care of the rest," said the detective before walking out of the room, already thinking about their next move.

Dana wanted to be at the police station while making the call to William so that if something went wrong, she would have the right people guiding her. Ethan and Bianca had accompanied her.

Until the very last moment, Ethan had tried to talk her out of calling him but she had made her decision.

"Well it's done now." Dana said, walking towards him. "Please cheer up, Ethan."

He looked away until she hugged him. 

"I feel like a huge weight was just lifted off my chest. I feel more relaxed and calm. Can you focus on that instead?" She questioned as she listened to his heartbeat.

She felt his arms wrap around her tightly. "I don't know if it's because of the circumstances or if it's truly genuine, but I've started feeling strongly about you. I've never felt this way before." He admitted, sounding confused.

Dana smiled. "I'm glad to hear that."

"You're glad that I am confused?" He asked, pulling away to look at her. 

"This kind of confusion, I like." She said, looking at him mischievously.

"I guess I'll take it as a good thing then." He murmured as he bent down to kiss her.

"Guys. I think we are done here. Ready to go?" Bianca asked.

Ethan just made a noise at the back of his throat but otherwise completely ignored what she said. 

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