a/n !

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HIII omg i feel like it's been three million light years since i've updated on this specific book!! i'm so sorry i literally just vanished off the face of the earth for like seven months 😭 i didn't have any motivation to write, and then i deleted wattpad sometime in november and like got it back a few times when i was bored but i still didn't have any motivation to write.

i think during the colder months i kinda just don't feel like writing which is weird cuz like huh💀 but now that it's getting warmer out, i feel more up to writing!! i am a little bit overwhelmed with the amount of books i created when i was bored during the summertime so like i might not even finish most of those books except for the ones that people really really seem to enjoy, just cuz it's rlly stressful for me etc.

anywayyyysssss i'm back and i can't wait to start writing these again because they're so much fun!!! love you all and thank you for being so patient with me :)

ꨄ 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 ꨄ ~ m.t X fem. reader!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora