June 27

14 1 5

I can't sleep. It's almost 3 in the morning and for the life of me I can't sleep. It's that annoying kind of insomnia when you're dead tired but for whatever reason you can't shut your stupid brain off. 

In this case I'm thinking about Him. 

And yes, Him gets capitalized in this case.

He called me on Sunday, Father's day. How Ironic. I didn't answer. I've thought about him every day since. I'm not sure what he wants. We're both too young to be another more than friends and yet....

I can't find the words to say what I want to say, even on paper. Paper is where I can escape my usual tongue-tied-ness and just spew my thoughts out for you. 


I owe you an explanation, diary. Let me start from the beginning. 

It was at the dance. He came up to me where I was sitting on the bleachers, drinking lemonade. "Do you want to dance?" He sounded nervous. "I've got nobody to dance with," I responded, sipping my lemonade. 

"You could dance with me."

At first I just stared at him. There was no way any sane person would be asking that question, which just goes to prove that he is not sane. My father had always warned me to stay away from boys. He said they caused nothing but problems in a young girls life. And I believed him. 

It was then that I realized that I hadn't responded to Him yet, and He was awkwardly waiting for an answer. Honestly, I didn't have one for him. it was my first experience with my heart and my head saying different things. in short, I told him no. 

He looked really sad. I remembered that much. 

I watched him wandє  r     

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