Power Struggles

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My Pet’s Possessive Ways

Chapter 22 (Last Contest Winner) 



She smiled, "I would love nothing more than to play with my cute kitty but Malice said no touching the sacrfices"

"Sacrifices?" I said shocked.

"That's right, once we have every single Alpha female then we will start but luky for you, that you get to wait a little while before that happens" 

Crap what the hell is going on!


Needless to say the girl didn't remove the chains from Jade and myelf. I felt like i was a prisoner in a county jail, each step we took you could hear the chains drag against the ground, while our wrists were chained together in thick metal. 

Ok i looked over at Jade giving her a look to 'keep it cool until we find the others'. i nodded but i could still sense her anger rising more and more. She really didn't like that crazy girl, i don't blame her. The whole kitty bit pissed off in more than one way.

We were led in front of a huge bolder that was apart of a tall green hill. The small blonde haired girl raised up her hand making her palm glow in a pink luminescent light, in that seoncd the bolder glowed in the same light, levitating over to the side reveling a cave filled with torches leding the way to a darker place.

The power of pure evil pulsating out of the cave in large waves, it also reeked of the smell of dead courpes. 

We were taken farther and farther into he cave until we came into a large light at the end of the endless tunnel. We came blinded by the light as we came closer. After my eyes adjusted i spotted a woman in what seemed like a bird cage hovering over a large hole under her.

 "Mac i'm home~" The girl called out giggling.

I looked up to see a man come out of a open doorway walking towards us.

"Alpha Lionness of the North and Alpha Wolf female of the East, Lets get this over with" He rolled his eyes, he grabbed a hooked rope that was attached to a small machine, it looked like a thing you used for fishing. he placed the hook inbetween the chains connecting from Jade and me.

"What are you doing" Jade growled at him.

He looked up at her to meet her gaze, "Nothing you need to worry yourself with"

He walked away turning on the machine, the machine reeled the rope in causing us to lift off the ground.

"What's going on!!" I yelled.

He didn't answer, he hovered us over the large hole, i looked to my side to see the woman in the cage she had her eyes closed but then looked into mine, "seventh sanctum" She mouthed before i felt y body being lowered into the deep hole.

When we reached the bottom our chains where broken by a pink glow, we fell to the floor landing on the cold wet rock. 

"Have fun with your new rootmates" The girl called out.

Roomates? I looked around to see several women around us all from different species.

"Great another dog" I looked over to see a girl with blonde short cropped hair with blue tips on the end of her hair. She had a silm hour-glass figure with curves shaping her. But her facial fetures made her look young, i'm guessing she was still in her teen years.

A girl growled, "Shut it you stupid half baked cat"

She had glint in her eyes with a smirk on her face, "Is that a changelle dog?"

The girl with light brown hair and smaller figure but with lean muscles that showed, "I know you've been ichin for one, so why not"

"STOP IT!!" A small girl who looked like she was in her teens glared at them, she held onto a woman in next to her who seemed to be pregnant, "This is a small room so cut it out, hwat if you hurt someone here with your stupid fighting, you might even hit Lela by accident" 

The blonded hair girl huffed standing straighter, "Fine but only because she is pregnant"

Another woman got up starting towards us, "Where are you guys from" She said with a serious expression.

"I'm Jade Murdock, Alpha Female of the Norhern Pride" She said full of power, i smiled knowing she wasnt about to let her intimidate her.

"My name is Estela Rosaria Reyes but I prefer Stella, im Alpha Wolf female of the Eastern Pack." I said trying to copy the way Jade had introduced herself. Hey i was still new at this.

The blonde girl from before, growled "Fuck that means they need one more and we are all finished."

"Hayley" Someone hissed. 

Hayley rolled her eyes, "What! i'm saying exactly what everyone in here is thinking, all of us don't have much time if their is one more Alpha female left."

I looked over at Jade, but she shook her head, mouthing 'not yet'

We both sat down on the corner of the small room. "What are you thinking?"

Jade stared at the women around us studying them.

"We need to find out if anyone knows exactly where we are, when that stupid bitch took us off the van i notice we were in the dark lands but problem is the dark lands is a big area it would take them months just to find us if we say that. We need a better understand of what's going on and of what they know." Jade spoke like a true leader, i couldnt help but admire her.

"That's true but, everyone is one edge here you can feel it in the air surrounding us"

"Yes, which is why i wanted to tell you to keep up a strong will, the reason everyone is one edge is because everyone is of different races and they are having a power struggle everyone here is trying to be leader, which is a huge problem. Step on any toes all hell will break loose, but if your too timid they will walk all over you and try to use you as sides creating a small war against each other"

I sighed knowing this was lot harder than it looked. If those girls find out i have a way out of here then there will be bloodshed. Only one person can leave this place.

I groaned thinking of all the things that happened on the way over here, but it dawned me i looked over at Jade.

"That girl who was in the cage she mouthed somthing to me"

She raised an eyebrow at me, "What she say?"

She said, "Seventh sanctum, but i have no idea what that is" 

Jade shrugged, "Can't say i've hear that before, let's ask see if any of these girl know"

She stood up, and everyone stares at her, " Listen everyone do any of you know what seventh sanctum is?"

We all heard a gasp coming from Lela the pregnant woman, "How do you know about that?"

" I don't she does" Jade pointed at me, i stood up in next to her.

"That woman in the cage above us mouthed it to me i have no idea what is it either" I explained

Her eyes watered, "We really are all doomed"

crap how did i know she would say that.


Me: *Laying down on my bed writting chapter* >:3 "Yes yes just alittle bit more then i'm done"

Dog: *walks over to me laying down on top of my hands and keyboard looking at me with a smile* :)

Me: O.O.....de...fu.......*stares at dog then begins to wine* "Get off~~~~~~"

Dog: *licks my cheek* which pretty much means she doesn't give a rats ass if i finsih or not.

Me: T-T *cries* 


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