Ethans pov chap one

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Ï cant belive we have to sit hear for an hour" I mutter to Drew while glancing up at Mrs Conners. Shes one of those old school marm types, very prim and proper, grey hair in a tight bun, skirts to her ankles, shirt coller done all the way up her neck. She even belives children shoild be seen and not heard.

Drew snorts Ÿour the one who called her miss priss to her face"

"Dosnt it bother you at all that were stuck in this room doing absolutely nothing for a whole hour" i mutter were actually two seats appart but were talking so low no human should be able to hear us.

"Nope im gunna catch up on my beauty sleep wake me when its over" Drew stretches out then lies his head on his folded arms with in moments i can hear his light snors. I shake my head and try not to laugh that guy can sleep anywhere.

I pull my cell out and hold it under the table trying to be discrete i better txt Faith i dont want her to wait around in an empty car park for a hour.

Sry huny, we hve deten c u at hme Eth xx

"That was painful" i stretch out my tight muscles before jumping into Dres truck.

"Wasnt so bad" Drew says as we pull out of the school parking lot and head towards home.

I snort at him "Thats because you slept the whole hour, while i spent that hour trying to avoid miss prisses ice stare. Man that women needs to get laid" i mutter the last part.

Drew just laughs at me. I decide to ignore the traitor and check my phone. I never recived a reply from Faith so i decide to txt her again, i hope shes not mad at us for leaving her to walk home on her own. I know most siblings tend to argue and fight but were not like that shes one of my best friends but i suppose they always say twins are close.

Hey Hunny the tourtures over b hme soon Eth xx

"Hey lets stop to get ice cream, it can be our appology to Faith for making her walk" Drew glances at me as he pulls over out side the ice cream parlour.

I just shake my head at him.
Ÿou spoil that girl too much" Drew shrugs and grins as he climes out the truck.

I check my cell again while waiting for Drew. Still nothing from Faith its only been a few minutes but she usually replys straight away to a txt she cant help her self its actually pretty funny if were sitting in class or something where she cant get her cell out and someone txts her she will wiggle and figit untill the class is over and she can reply.

I rub my hand over my chest as i stare at my cell, i feel kind of off like theres something i should be doing but i dont know what. I take a deep breath as my chest tightens dam whats wrong with me.

"Hey man you ok? You look relly pale" Drew asks as he climes back in the car passing me the three cones of ice cream to hole while he drives.

I nod my head and take a few more deep breaths before answering him

Ÿeah maybe im coming down with something ill be fine"
I glance out the window wishing the truck would go faster i just really want to get home.

"Hey uncle Marks home" Drew comments happily as we pull into my driveway, parking next to my dads car.

I dont answer i just pass him the ice cream probably getting it every where and hurriedly climb out the truck. I dont know what it is but somethings wrong.

Im about to open the front door when something freezes my hand on the door nob.

"Hey you got ice cream all over me,i know you missed your da...."

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