Harry cheating for Andrea

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You and Harry are two years together now. He asked you a couple of months ago to move in with him. The first weeks went well you were the happiest couple alive. But things changed after two months. He was always out at night but wouldn't say where he was going. You ask him where he was going out he just shrugged. You don't ask further because you trust him. But one night he was out, you waited for him stayed awake for him to come back home. It was 4 PM you hear the front door open and shut again. "Harry, babe is that you?" You yell. "Yes princess it is me," he answered back. You walked out of the kitchen to him. You were going to hug him but stopped midway. "Why do you smell like woman perfume?" You ask him. He just shrugged and tried to walk past you. You saw something purple on his neck. You stopped him. "Harry Styles is that a fucking hickey on your neck??!!!" You said raising your voice. You saw the fear and horror in his eyes he quickly put his hand on his neck where the hickey was. "Now I fucking understand why you smell like woman perfume," you say bitterly. You had tears in your eyes. He saw it and tried to touch you but you slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me you dick!" You said crying. You ran upstairs to your room and began packing your bags. "Baby please don't leave please stay." "Why do I need to fucking stay if you have someone else!" You yelled at him. "It is not what you think!" He raised his voice. "What do I need to think Harry! Just leave me alone. I don't want to see you ever again!" "Andrea baby...." You slammed the front door in his face.

This happened two years ago you literally cried for a year. You didn't saw or hear Harry ever again.

I hope you like it Andrea (@qCherp )
Btw people follow her! 💕

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