Kicking Her Off

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Simon has called me to the studio, He said its to Kick my stardom off. So I'm off to the studio with my new bag, Its been a week and my song Rocks at my Window has been a hit, Next month Postcard and Blonde is coming out, I have been listening to the radio and most of them are asking people about what they think of the song, One of the people who have called in, her name was Jordyn Davids, she said, 'OMG, The song Is like Amazing! I wish someone would throw rocks at my Window!', I found that cute, I guessing she was about 16, I have a fan site now, I have looked at it a few times, most comments from Jordyn, I post things on the site, Jordyn always comments saying 'You should totally make a new song! Jordyn x', Haha she is soo cute, I'm not allowed to reply only put things up.

I hoped into the car, Started up the car and turned the radio on, my song came on, I let out a giggle and started driving to the studio. After my song the people on the radio said 'And that was Rocks At My Window by the Awesome Charley Silverknight! Who would you like throwing Rocks at your window?' she said, yes that person was a she, a girl rang up, I think she is 19, 'Hi I'm Sophie Roybie, I would so like my Crush throwing rocks at my window' she said, I had to laughed, another person spoke, 'Hey, I'm Cristy Crusted, I would like my Boyfriend go throwing rocks at my window' aww that is soo cute, I kept going and going until another song came on.

I arrived at the studio, I parked the car and ran into the studio.

I saw Simon, "Hey Simon" I said running over to him, "Hi Charley,We have chosen to put Postcard out next week, after your interview" said Simon, "Interview?" I asked confused, "Yes you have an Interview on Monday" said Simon, "You will talk about Rocks at my Window, and a little bit of Postcard, They will ask questions and you will have to answer" said Simon. Simon gave me the details and let me go.


Once I got home Pepper and Snow greeted me, They growing very fast, they were at my knees now. I patted them both, I have been taking them for walks from time to time, only real early in the morning so no one catches me.

I closed the door because they can walk down the steps now but even with the door open they will never leave the house. I put my bag down in my room, Pep and Snow now sleep in a spare room, they no longer have newspapers in the laundry, some builders have added a doggie door for them for the back garden, the boys were on tour at the moment and coming back next months, so I'm home alone! well for now.

I grabbed a apricot bar from the pantry, Lola has come over at different times, She says I have a full on English accent. I agree with her, I have changed!

I decided I should go shopping so I got up and went in the car leaving Pep and Snow inside in case. I hoped into the car and drove off to the supermarket.


I parked the car not really caring who saw, I'm a person, I can walk around normal right. I pulled my bag out with me and walked to a random clothes store. I didnt look at the name like I always do, Simon said I needed a dress, Ugh Dresses. I heard some screaming fans behind me, I turned around and waved at them and giggled. I walked around the store looking at the dresses. I saw an awesome purple dress with black bows on it, It went up to my knees, It was cute, I grabbed it off the rack, I few flashes went off behind me, I smiled at the paps,

When's your next song Charley?

What's your next song gonna be called?

Why are are you buying a dress?

Charley give us a smile!


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