Sooner or Later...You Won't Resist Me [Final Chapter]

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Previously: We received a call about a girl endangering herself and others,” the officer spoke. The heavy set officer took Madison outside and placed her into his cop car. “Well I’m Officer Warren, you’re gonna have to come down to the station with us, so we can get your statement on what exactly happened here,” he informed me. “But…I think we should just…spend some time apart. We both have issues to deal with right now and if we try to do this,”-he gestured between the two of us- “it’ll probably end horribly,” he finished. “You’re famous!” Courtney shrieked before running to me and hugging me. When we finally arrived at the police station, I noticed some people dressed in all white heading inside the building…they must be here for Madison…

Chapter 48 [Finale]

I walk into this boring school, in this boring class, and sat in my boring sit. Mr. Lane was standing at the door greeting all the students entering. When he saw me he nodded his head. “Miss Dulay, I hope that you won’t let your sudden stardom interfere with your excellent concentration in my class,” he teased jokingly, knowing that I rarely pay attention as it is.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Put makeup on a pig…it’s still a pig,” I explained while I had took my sit.

I look to my right to find Courtney not here yet. Since my car is now alive and kicking, I don’t need to carpool with the twins anymore, so I’m back to getting here earlier then they do.

See, my dad had got hold of Lauren’s parents and to avoid getting sued and sent to court, her parents just decided to pay from pocket. And the front door, well, I used the money from the photo shoots to pay for that…after getting an ear full from my parents of course.

I place my head on my desk. It’s Monday, and all the events from Saturday seems unreal now, like they never happened or that I imagined it…

~Flashback: Saturday; Police Station~

I saw people dressed in all white enter the police station; they must be here for Madison. As soon as Officer Warren parked his car, I hoped out and rushed into the building.

When I entered the wooden decorated station, I looked to right and noticed the heavy-set officer from my house sitting at a desk, eating a box of donuts. Wow, way to stand against the stereotypical fat cop.

I chuckled and shook my head, turning to find something else to steal my attention. The room wasn’t enormous, but big enough for everyone to have their own personal space. I noticed a couple of chairs lined up against the far left wall.

There were a few guys sitting in them with handcuffs keeping them connected to their seats.

One guy was complaining as a policeman was cuffing him to his seat. “Heeeeey man! I didn’t do annnnythiiinng,” he slurred to the cop, obviously drunk.

“Sir, it’s a federal crime to be drunk in public,” the officer informed the drunk guy, to which he objected.

“Nooo, I was drunk in a baaaar. The bouncers threeeeew me into puuuublic, arrest them!” he shouted his explanations through his slumber.

I chuckled at his argument. It kind of makes sense…if you don’t think about it. The officer ignored this and continued to cuff his wrist to the chair’s arms. I felt a gentle hand touch my shoulder, turning me to my right. “This way,” Officer Warren guided me out of the room and into another. In here is where I see the people dressed in all white.

There were about five of them, two women and three men. I look around the room for Madison, with no luck since she’s nowhere in sight. “…where she was diagnosed as Bipolar…” I could faintly hear what one of the men in white was saying to a man dressed in a fancy, expensive-looking suit.

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