My Best Friend the Gullible

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Jane's POV

"That bitch," Zayn cursed after hearing the recording of the night of the premiere." You have to crush her."

"You know I can't do that," I said as I finished putting the dishes away. " I couldn't do that to Harry."

It had been a little over a week since the premiere and the boys have been off to rehearsals. Harry and I have been in and out for the public for good publicity. When I was certain that Harry wouldn't come for a few hours, I called Zayn. Since he isn't going on tour and has the wisdom of a monk, he was my best option.

Now we were at my house after having some brunch. He was sitting on a stool and leaning on the kitchen island.

"Why are you going through with this?" He reprimanded." If you care about Harry, why let him be with someone who doesn't deserve him?"

"It's more complicated than that." I exasperated." I want Harry to be happy and he clearly won't see any reason to having a relationship with anyone besides Kate."

"How could Harry possibly be happy with Kate?"

"We use this fake relationship I have with him to teach her a lesson. We are going to ensure that he will never be broken hearted again."

"How? She isn't convinced you two are together."

Fuck, I'm not even convinced.

"One of these days Kate is going to call up Harry and want to get together. I just have to stop him from saying yes." I said." And I have to start acting like competition to Kate."

"Explain the latter to me."

"You know, I have to actually stand a chance against her." I said shyly.

"Jane, you're gold compared to that lump of coal." Zayn said.

"Zayn! Just help me be more like Harry's type please! I won't be able to live with myself if my best friend gets hurt again!" I was kneeling in from of him with the palms of my hands pressed together.

"How long have you been practicing that guilt trip?"

"A good two days now." I stood back up.

"Why don't you go on tour with the lads?"

I started laughing hoping his suggestion was a joke.

He can't be serious.

"All I'm saying is that the boys are on tour in a few days. Why not just go with them until the break next month?" Zayn said.

"Because going on tour means more press and more press means room for more hate." I said while getting a bottled water.

"Think of it as getting a more pissed off Kate." He shrugged." I don't see why you didn't break her when you had the chance."

"I don't like confrontation. It was scary enough over the phone let alone with her in person."

"You have to be more assertive with people. You can't just avoid situations and people by being scared." Zayn thumped me on the head.

"It's done me good so far." I huffed while rubbing my head.

"While you're on the road, you would also be avoiding Kate."


"Wow Malik, I guess you're not just a pretty face." I pinched his cheeks.

Zayn and I ended up relaxing by the pool because he needed a smoke. He's not smoking as often as he used to before. He is slowly getting it out of his system before his baby girl arrives in a few months.

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