About my life, so far

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Hello there! my name is Timothy, but my friends and family call me Timmy.  I live in a rough part of England;  you know what i might be talking about; drugs, under age drinking, smoking, and the police are all ways here 24/7. Luckily, we have a school but I get bullied by some older kids, besides that, it's a ok place the live..... maybe not...., let me explain how I got here in the first place.  My older sister Betty told me this,... so it could be a lie... or the truth.

My mother Penny, had beautiful twin daughters  before I was born.   She decided to name them Betty and Flo. Sadly my mother had a miscarriage with her  third child, she was devastated, even to this day she gets emotional.  Thankfully she had me, a child with black hair and bright green eyes.

At the age of five, my mother thought that it might be a good idea to make me go to school, I didn't make many friends, only a girl named June, I found her a bit weird, she had long white hair in  two pony tails that reached her hips, shiny sky coloured eyes, and white skin that looks like snow just touched her body. My Mother told me "not to judge a book by its cover" , so I became her friend.

At the age of 7, I started to realise that when i'm next to or talking to June, my stomach starts hurting, my heart starts pounding, my hands and head start shaking. We became closer friends and even our mothers became friends too. One evening I was waiting for June at the school gates and out of the blue, two of the bullies appear in-front of me, and starts to harass me. Shortly after June showed up, surprise to see my bruises.  I could tell by looking at June's face expressions she felt angry then she said in the gentle British accent " i'm sorry, please forgive me".

Obviously i was confused, so i asked June in the nice way possible, has she done anything that i need to know?

After what i just said, she went in total silence and started to walk without me, by the time i realised what was happening, she was pretty far down the road, but thank goodness that i do athletics after school so i was able to catch up to her.

When i did, i patted her on the back and jokingly said "why are you rushing, we will make the bus in time". June slowly turn her head, instead of having blue innocent eyes, they were blood coloured eyes without pupils and had silver hair instead of white snow like hair.  She spoke in a demonic tune, so demonic that she sounded like the devil himself, "silence child!, if i was you i'll get out of here!".

When i turned 12, things became different.

June wasn't in school and i became worried, she would help me in german lessons when i got stuck, i decided to look for her after school. I ran as fast as i could to June's flat, as i reached  the house, i saw her mom crying on the stairs saying "der Teufel... hat meine Tochter getroffen" which mean "the devil.... has taken my daughter.." in German, i paused for a short minute, " could she be talking about June" i thought to myself.  As i was about to leave, i saw June's mom in the corner of my eyes, on the floor praying; the thing is she's not a Christian more like a atheist, besides that i found some information about June's mom, her name is Ivy Johnson, a 31 years old, mother of 2 children...., well 1... sadly 1 was killed 5 weeks ago, the police are trying to find the stupid person  who did it, thankfully it wasn't my June, i would feel hopeless if it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2013 ⏰

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