Zelo's imagine

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You slept over at Zelo's house since it was getting late. Morning came, and you prepared breakfast for Baby Jello. Both of you ate together, talked & laughed. Then you went out into his backyard to find Zelo holding the hose for watering the plants. You: "OH NO~!" You tried to turn away but it was too late since Zelo has already put it on & splashed you with the water! You took the other hose & a water fight has begun. Both of you started running around. You were following Zelo to take revenge when suddenly, you tripped over a rock. Zelo was infront of you so he came on time and you fell into his arms, but then ZELO lost balance and both of you fell on the grass leading you to be on top of him. Both of you laughed it out as you moved away to lay next to him. You both spread your arms and looked into the sky. Zelo: "Are you alright? //laughs//" You nodded & smiled. You: "That was fun //laughs//" Zelo: "Yeah~" Zelo suddenly rolled and went on top of you. Zelo: "Here's a little gift from me~" You: "Wha-" before finishing your sentence, he leaned in for a kiss. When he pulled away he smiled and rolled back to his place. You: "Well. That was random~ //blushes//" Zelo: "More random times is to come in the fute //winks//" :3


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