Amusement park with jongup and himchan

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You go the amusement park with Jongup and Himchan. The three of you plan on riding a huge roller coaster, but then Jongup gets scared. "Ahh, this ride is HUGE! I can't go by myself!" he yells, then looks at you. "Can I sit by you?" Himchan's eyes widen, ad he quickly runs away, returning with some random girl. "Jongup, meet-" he begins, then faces the girl. "Uhm, what's your name?" he asks her. Girl: "Suzy" Himchan: "Yeah, Jongup. Meet Suzy," he says, then forces her wrist into Jongup's hand. Himchan: "Enjoy the ride together!"

Later, once you're on board, Himchan giggles, "I'm so glad we got to sit together," he winks, before kissing your forehead, and putting his arm around your shoulder, holding you tight the entire ride~



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