Chapter 1

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I woke up by the lack of oxygen. I coughed, grasping for air. My throat was on fire and I instantly remembered the flashes of black smoke. The dark smoke that invaded my apartment, entrapping me in my bedroom with no chance of escape. That smoke who suffocated me.

''She's loosing oxygen. Increase the amount!'' I heard a breathless voice beside me. I tried to open my eyes but the bright lights dazed me. I groaned and tried to rise from the surface I was lying on but a force pushed me back.

''What? is...happening?'' my voice managed to croak out before I coughed periodically through the mask, tightened around my head.

''Don't talk miss, just breathe'', someone called out next to my ear. I tried to inhale but I ended up choking. It felt like my throat was on fire, the same fire that was in apartment.

''We're loosing her! Bring me the!'' I heard somebody yell. I tried to take a breath but I couldn't, as if the air was rejecting me. I felt how my conscious slowly faded away. The worried faces around me blurred into a fog and I felt how my body gave up.

''One, Two, Three!'' was the last thing I heard before I felt a massive electrical shock course through my body.

''Don't!'' I screamed out to them but it was too late.

I opened my eyes and felt the voltage charge from my fingertips.

''What happened to the doctors?'' a voice echoed through the wall. I opened my eyes and tried to recognize where I was. The walls was hauntingly white and the glossy floors were too clean to be my apartment.

''I don't know, It must have been a complication with the defibrillator... They got electrified'', a trembling voice answered.

I averted my eyes towards the door where the whispers came from. The voices were low and hard to make out due to the isolating walls but manageable.

''By the defibrillator? That's impossible!'' The doctor exclaimed.

''What other explanation is there?'' She replied.

''I don't know... the investigator's will surely tell us. What state are they in?'' he asked more collected this time.

''The voltage was too strong... I'm sorry'', she murmured low, almost to low to hear.

''Dear god... what about the patient?'' the doctor asked concerned.

''She has been unconscious for a couple of days but she is stable'', She answered.

''Good, what did the police say?'' he asked curious.

''They want to interview her, they had a hard time identifying her'', she said.

''How so?'' he asked, waiting for her answer to verify the fact.

''Her wallet contained a fake ID, no school records or residences matched her name...but there is one more thing'', she replied cautious.

''What?'' he asked.

''The police thinks she is a suspect, maybe a runaway, or involved within the crime scene due to her lack of identity so we sent them her blood to investigate further of her real identity'', she stated and tapped her heel against the floor impatiently.

''We'll have to ask her further with questions when she wakes up... this sure is strange'', he said calm and stepped away from the door.

''Of course Dr. Dennings'', she said and hurried out the hall. Leaving the sound of her heels tapping the solid floor behind.

Heroes: Patient OneWhere stories live. Discover now