chapter 2

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ok hope you all like this:)

I woke up to the sound of the really annoying voice of my mother yelling at me to wake up and get ready for school. So I got up and got ready by putting my black skinny jeans on with a red top that said, The Boogie Man Looks In His Closet For Chuck Norris and put my converse on to go down stairs to be greeted to the intoxicating smell of pancakes that are coming off the plate my mom is holding for me. I rushed to her to get my pancakes and eat them so i can get out the door when I finally finished. I knew I was going to be late and I really didn't care. As I walked out the door shouting bye to my mother, I got in my black crappy car.  I finally got to school every one was in their classes. Sitting out there all alone I felt like i was being watched and I was getting really creeped out, but I sucked it up and got out of the car.  As soon as I got out of my car, I came face to face with crimson eyes then everything went black and all I heard was a voice that said,  we will be together soon my bride...... 

comment and vote please, and tell me what you think do i keep going and sorry its really short  

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