Chapter 42

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Katniss's POV

We are back in Thirteen and we got Snow back with us. Finally! Today is the day that I will kill Snow, that evil poisonous snake who killed thousands of my people, tormented me, tortured Peeta and threaten my child's life. Then it hits me. My child, me and Peeta's baby, I hold of my stomach and feel nothing in me. "Where's my baby?" I think to myself, did I kill her? Did she die when I catch that bullet? Why can't I remember what happened? Where is my baby? I killed it! I killed our baby! I have to tell Peeta, "Peeta?" I shout, I run everywhere searching for him but I can't, "Peeta." I cry slowly, my knees are weakening and I feel myself falling on Thirteen's cold floor, crying. Where are they? Where are my friends? Where are my family? Where are Peeta and my child? I didn't even had the chance to see my child, I killed my child, my poor helpless child. I was sobbing for hours until I hear someone calling my name

"Katniss?" I hear him call "Katniss where are you?" a very familiar voice that is owned by one special guy

"Peeta?" I scream out of nowhere "Peeta, I'm here!" I make myself stand and searched for him but I can't, all I see are walls and what seems like a never ending corridor "Peeta please! Where are you?"

"I'm here Katniss. Where are you?"

"I don't know. All I see are walls, I don't know where I am. Help me Peeta." I cry to him

"Okay Katniss calm down. Just follow my voice, I'll keep on talking, just walk towards my voice." I followed his voice for about a couple of minutes and I'm starting to lose hope on seeing him "Katniss where are you?" he asks me

"I don't know. I don't know if I'm close to you or not, I can't find you. I'm sorry."

"No Katniss keep going. Just follow my voice." I walk for another three minutes and make a left turn from this endless hallway and saw a guy standing in front of me, all I see is his back then I saw those golden blond hair and I know for sure it's Peeta. I run as fast as I could to him, embrace him from behind, and cry.

"I thought I wouldn't find you. You scared me to death." He turns around and I see him holding a baby in his arms

"Why would I even leave you, I mean, you gave me this beautiful baby. How can I let her grow without her mommy?"

"Oh gosh Peeta you have her. I thought she was gone, I thought I killed her!" I took her from Peeta's arm and just cry at her baby clothes "I thought I wouldn't see you. I'm sorry for hurting you." I look at her and appreciate everything she is "Peeta, she has my hair."

"I know. They are beautiful, they had to do an emergency C-section to you to save both of your lives, I'm glad it went well." He stops speaking when he sees I'm not paying much attention, I'm just really mesmerized by our baby "wait 'til you see her eyes." He smiles and looks at our baby, just in time she's starting to wake up. Her eyes open wide and I see her ocean blue eyes looking at me and she laughs

"Just like yours. I love it, she's so beautiful." I hold her near my face and kiss her forehead. "I love you so much my baby girl, Peeta. What's her name?"

"You named her don't you remember? Her name is...."

"Well what a happy family Ms. Everdeen." I hear a husky voice talk behind us, I turn around with my baby in my arms and saw Snow and Coin smiling evilly at me "Too bad we have to see it fall apart." Coin says "Grab them!"

Peacekeepers and District 13 soldiers grab Peeta and push him on the wall "Katniss run!" he screams at me. I'm still at the state of shock and I hear Peeta scream again "What are you doing? Run!!"

"No. I can't leave you. I won't." I tell him as he struggles to hold back the peacekeepers and soldiers back away from me and our baby

"Yes you will, I'll be fine! Katniss Everdeen! Run for help now!!"  I run away and stop to look back, I saw him getting beaten and I can't let that happen but I can't go back because I have our daughter with me. I look at her and see she's sleeping and smiling, maybe she's having the most wonderful dream. I cover her face with her blanket, cover her ear softly with my hand, and secure my arms around her. I look back again to Peeta and he signs me to run "I'll be back Peeta, I promise. Always!"

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