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"Wow!" Emma looked at me strangely. "Can you believe it, Emma we're juniors now!! She rolled her eyes saying: "You just realized that! You're so slow Mya."

I laughed. "I know right?!" She laughed for a second then stopped.

She stared at someone/something that was probably right behind me. I turned around to see what it was. However I didn't think I would be looking at a familiar face.

Wait....Is that mark??? I thought.

I just stood there petrified while letting thoughts run through my mind.

The dude that broke my heart saying he would never return?

The guy that walked me to every single class??

The guy that always put a smile on my face when i was sad?

The guy....I used to love?

Emma finally broke the silence: "So....Hmmm Ima let you guys catch up okay?" I looked at Emma shaking my head. I gave her a reassuring smile, to let her know it was okay (for her to leave). She then walked away.

*I sighed*

Great this is just great! Well. This year will be interesting. I thought.


Dedicating this chapter to Anna Noel for making an awesome book cover. Thank you sooo much I love you! ❤

I also wanted to say thank you to everyone that is reading my book and supporting me. It means a lot to me. please please please tell me what you think in the comments bellow, if you'd like :)

Much, love SecretAccount1on1 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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