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~Prince Gumball~

I sat in my bed for a majority of the day feeling horrible. Maybe it was the flu or something. I took my temperature and it didn't seem to differ.

I curled up under the sheets and felt extremely exhausted. I pulled the sheets over my head and closed my eyes. Soon I felt sleep take over and I started to relax. Everything will be ok. I know it will.


"Gumball... Gumball... babe, wake up." It was Marshall. I removed the sheets from my head and opened my eyes a little. He was leaning over me.

"I'm not ready, Marshall. I'm tired, cuddle with me." I whined. Marshall rolled his eyes and then took his shoes off. He crawled in with me and he wrapped his arms around me. "My butt still hurts."

"Mine still does."

"We both should be fine tomorrow." I mumbled. I snuggled into Marshall's chest. "I love you, Marshall. Good night."

"I love you too, Bubba. Good night." I felt him put his chin on the top of my head and start gently snoring. I closed my eyes and tried to fall back asleep but it didn't work very well. I turned over and the turned back, but it didn't help. I listened to Marshall's breathing and I calmed down a little.

I was falling deeper into sleep but yet something felt wrong. I opened my eyes quickly and jumped over Marshall. I sprinted to my bathroom and to the toilet. I collapsed to the ground and started to vomit. I felt Marshall come behind me and rub mu back as I emptied my stomach's contents into the toilet.

When I was done about an hour later, I sat back in Marshall's lap and he kissed the top of my head. "I've never b-been sick before..." I whispered.

"Should we get a doctor or something?"

"I don't know..."

"Shouldn't you get someone to help you? Just to check you out?"

I sighed. "I guess I could wait until my parents are here... they did create me."

"Yeah your parents should-- hold up, did you say create?"

I bit my lip. "Yeah. My mother created my father with a part of her DNA and then he was her companion... she then decided she wanted a family. She tried to conceive, but it didn't work. All of the fetuses died before they could come to term. So my mother, being the extremist she is, took some of her eggs and some of my father's sperm and made me in a petri dish. She then grew me in a test tube, until I was big enough and didn't fit anymore, I was then put in a big cylindrical tube and I was in there until I was born... or just taken out and able to breath on my own."

Marshall kissed the top of my head. "That's a sad story." he whispered.

"What about your parents?"

"Um... I'm not from here. I'm from the Nightosphere. My dad was the Vampire King before me. His name is Finnward the Ferocious. My mother's name is Marceline, she's a demon and a vampire. I was raised there for bit, I guess, and then I was here on Earth, before it was Ooo. My parents raised me and everything was ok. Then the sky got very dark and it was the coming of the apocalypse. My father decided that it was time to turn me. At first, I wanted to runaway. I didn't want to be like them... when I was born, I was practically human. Then I was forced to. It was hard the first few days. Days after the apocalypse, seeing that not many people survived, it was like a second chance. My father told me that I had to take responsibility. We returned to the Nightosphere and I started the training to become Vampire King. It was about six hundred years ago when I finally felt like coming back here to see how it had changed. I was then given the title of King. That's about it. My parents visit every now and then. I guess. I don't talk to them."

Prince Gumball and Marshall LeeWhere stories live. Discover now