Annoucement ♥

391 12 13
  • Dedicated to everyone. ♥

I know most of you have probably forgotten me, but I most certainly haven't forgotten you. 

I have decided to add one, maybe two, more chapters to this thing. Then I'll start a new book. I need a fresh start and this book just isn't doing it for me. I've lost all intrest and I just don't know what to do anymore.

So I'll start again.

New book, new plot, new everything.

But thank you all so, so much for over 10k reads. What the actual fuckery. (whoops) I didn't even expect to get 100 reads on this monstrosity. Yet you all cease to amaze me with your comments. You all mean so much to me, it's insane. 

I love you dearly.

Another side note, thank you all for reading and voting and being beautiful. Don't stop that, it makes my day just that little bit brighter. And for that, I thank you.♥

Apologies for being a lazy butt, apologies to any spelling mistakes, apologies for being a butt in general. But now I must eat. 

Stay original, stay beautiful, stay you.

- Chloe ♥ xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2013 ⏰

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