My Room Smells Like Vodka and Shame

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The chapter is waaaay better if you listen to the accompanying song. Forewarning. You may experience an eargasm.

16.] My Room Smells Like Vodka and Shame

I would never remember what happened after I stumbled out of that office, drunk as hell and my breasts exposed to the world. Okay, so maybe it was just one guy in the otherwise deserted hallway of the basement of the complex; but in my inebriated state, it was the entire world. I couldn’t recall the look upon his face or who he was, which was a detail that Angeline was keeping from me.

She told me everything that had happened afterwards. It was a gruesome tale in which I had stumbled over my own feet, falling flat on my face. The guy had tried to help me, but I was entangled in my shirt and at that point, I decided that not only did I not want his help, but I didn’t want to wear my clothes anymore. While he had attempted to keep me from taking off all of my clothes, he hadn’t really stopped me when I reached up under my skirt and pulled off my underwear.

Angeline had come out of the office just in time to rescue me. She was surprisingly strong and without a word to the mysterious man that I’ll most likely never know the identity of, she lifted me over her shoulder and hauled me back to her apartment. The entire way down the hallway, I had supposedly twirled my underwear around my fingers, batting my eyelashes and cooing at the boy until he was out of sight.

The only positive to not being able to remember what seemed to be one of my most embarrassing moments to date was the fact that I didn’t have to deal with those horrid flashbacks. As far as I was concerned, if I couldn’t remember what I had done, it had never happened. It was shaky logic, for sure, but I was sticking to it; I was determined to keep these moments out of sight and out of mind.

I was too drunk that afternoon to do anything with Eli’s folder, so Angeline put it in a safe place until I was sober enough to understand all of the goodies that lie between the vanilla folds. It had only taken a few minutes before I had fallen asleep on the couch as Angeline went off to get the taco that she had promised me.

While I seemed to usually have the best sleeps whenever I was drunk, that afternoon was an exception. I had woken up in the midst of my nap, groggy headed and still drunk as fuck. Also, I had to vomit. I knew it the moment my eyelids flew open, the uncomfortable grumbling in my tummy, the pressure in my throat, the churning that was happening amongst all of this.

I would like to say that despite all of the furniture that cluttered Angeline’s living room, I had made it to the bathroom. I would really love to say that everything inside of me had come out into the toilet without making any sort of mess. And I would really, really, really love to say that I hadn’t puked inside one of Angeline’s combat boots that was resting against the foot of the table.

I also wish I had left Angeline a note apologizing for puking in her boot. It would have been better for both of us if she hadn’t stumbled upon it by surprise one day, sticking her foot inside only to find her sock drenched in a questionable liquid. On the other hand, I was lucky, because I had no recollections of puking there.

Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I looked around the empty room. I slouched back on the couch, crossing my arms over my chest and looking around the room. For a moment, my eyes dropped from the far wall to my boobs, confused when I found that I was wearing a bra. I frowned, not remembering having put that on.

When I realized that I was half dressed, I realized that it was way too much. Pressing my back against the leather, I pushed my butt up and hitched down my skirt. Plopping my butt back down, I kicked the black material from around my feet, grinning when it hit the chair across the room. Standing up on my shaking legs, I clambered over the back of the couch, falling to the floor with a thud. After groaning at the pain that shot through my body, I looked around the room, pushing my hair back away from my face.

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