#31: Waking Up on Fire

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Chapter 31: Waking Up on Fire

Vincent's POV

I don't know where the hell did fall asleep! Maybe it's due to me travelling for 4 days without a stop.

Well I did stop for some drink. You see, us vampires may or may not eat any solid food as long as we drink blood.

 Irritatingly, I woke up tied and being dragged towards the town. Fuck! How the hell did I get in this situation anyway? I'm the Prince of Darkness, of the Vampires for fuck's sake.

Since there was no one who guards their back, I slowly made the rope intangible using my new found powers. This could really be useful, what I did not expect was the fact that the whole rope would be intangible making my capturers know that I had escaped from being tied.

How could I be such an idiot!? They surrounded me without a thought, although I saw the wariness in their eyes. I can't help but scratched my head as I stand firmly on the ground.

Ready to fight if need be, but right now I'm both hungry for food and blood. And if I don't get any kind, bloodlust might consume me.

"Ummm..... Can't we talk about this!?" I ask at them as I scratched my head and trying to ignore the call of blood in their system. The thing is, my capturers vary in species. There are some witches and humans. And the blood of a powerful witch calls strongly to me. I am a Royal as you all know, the fact that I need more energy means I need more food or blood in my system.

"Why are you in our land!?" a witch asked.

"Oh... Uh.... Someone told me that I would find what I'm looking for here." I answered not liking the fact that I am slowly losing control of my bloodlust.

"Then you need permission to roam the land. We must tell our leaders of who you are."  A human boy said as he walks towards me. I backed out a little as he step forward.

"Uh..... I do think that we must ... solve my lust for blood first before I walked the lot of you." I told them as I gulp. Damn it, I can't really hold on anymore than I am now.

"You cannot hunt without permission here." The human firmly said as strings of rope suddenly shot from the sides. It was not just simple ropes like the ones they used on me a while ago. This time it has magic laced on them so it was a bit too much.

"Through this your bloodlust can be controlled as well as you." The witch said as she gave me a collar. Damn it I'm a vampire not a dog. I snarled at them.

"You don't know who I am to treat me like this!" I snarled with poison at them as I tried in vain to use my power but it was no use with no energy to draw on I was trapped in here.

Cornelia's POV

"Here's the deal brother, if I defeat you today in our spar, you would stop bothering me and forcing me to train this hidden powers you talk about and I would train by myself at my own pace." I said as I looked at him with a glare.

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