Chapter 27

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Sorry Mila. I haven't seen Lauren. What happened? - Ally

I'm not sure... she just ran off from us earlier :((( - Camila

Don't be sad Camila :))) - Ally

I will try Ally - Camila

It's already lunch and I have not seen Lauren. She did not even attend our classes together. Usually, I would see her waiting beside my locker and we would go to our classes together.

"Chancho you have got to eat. You did not even eat earlier" Dinah said sadly.

"Dinah's right MIla. This is not like you" Normani said pushing my food closer to me.

I just looked at my phone hoping that Lauren would text me.

"I'm not hungry" I said looking at my phone again.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps so I immediately looked up because I thought it was Lauren.

"Hey Mila" Ally said.

"Oh... hey Ally" I said low.

Ally looked to the table and saw that I was the only one who did not touch my food.

"Mila you have not eaten?" Ally asked concerned.

"Not even earlier" Dinah and Normani said in unison.

"Mila... we will look for Lauren after you eat, okay?" Ally said putting her hands on my shoulders.

I ate a bit of my food before the bell rang.

"I feel so bad for that Camila girl"

"Me too, I can't believe that Lauren is just playing her"

I heard the girls say when I was heading to my locker. Dinah and I stopped on our tracks.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN LAUREN IS JUST PLAYING CAMILA?!" Dinah asked angrily to the girls.

"W-we heard Lauren talking to Demi earlier in gym class that Luis and her had a bet on Camila" The brunette girl said.

"What bet?!" I asked angrily.

"Lauren would make you fall in love with her for three weeks and break up with you after" The red head said.

"But! That's like this week!" I said angrily and about to cry.

"GO!" Dinah said to the two girls.

They immediately ran away.

"Mila I'm-" Dinah said.

"WE HAVE TO FIND HER!" I said angrily before looking for her again.

We looked all over the school and all I found was Selena.

"Hey Selena, have you seen Lauren?" I asked calmly.

"She went home early today. She said she wasn't feeling well" Selena said getting a book from her locker.

"Oh okay" I said before I immediately turned away.

"Dinah tell the girls that I went home early... because I did not feel well" I said walking out of school.

"Chancho who took you to school today?" Dinah asked.

"Oh fuck! Lau- she did. Could you rake me home please" I said wiping my eyes.

"Okay" Dinah said knowing that I did not want to talk yet.

We drive to my house quietly. We went inside and good thing that no one was home so I did not have to explain myself.

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