Chapter 19

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It's been two weeks since the kiss two weeks since I've spoken to her since I've heard her laugh since I've seen her face.

Was she okay did she miss me the way I was missing her. was she still hurting like I was? How could that even be a question if anything she was hurting more.

The thoughts ran threw my head what would I say should I even attempt to try and talk to her to get her back?

I was going back today Sarah would pick me up from the airport. Then what? do I go back to my life as if I never had her in it no I couldn't I had to have her I love her..

I finished packing my things and headed down stairs to eat before I leave. My mother insist that I don't spend money on food served on the plane.

"Sweetie are you okay? you haven't really been yourself lately"

My mother asks as I simply play with my food.

"Mom there is something I need to tell you" I say looking at her and putting my fork down.

"You can tell me anything sweet heart." she says sitting at the table with me just then my dad walks in "Dad I need to talk to you and mom."

I would do it now I would tell them about Jamiee about how the reason I've been distant is due to the fact that I messed up and hurt a girl but not any girl a girl that I so happen to be in love with.

He took a seat next to my mom I looked them both in the eyes as I spoke "mom dad I messed up I hurt the person I love and I don't know if they will ever forgive me" tears began to sting my eyes.

"Oh honey it's okay I'm sure they will forgive you but I didn't even know you were seeing someone" my mother says putting her hand over mine.

"I know because I didn't know I was in love with her until I lost her" I say waiting for my parents to react to the word HER.

"Her?" My dad says with a raised brow.

"Yes her name is Jamiee I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to happen it just did and I just didn't know how to tell you." I said wiping the tears that now poured down my face.

"Krista...Krista look at us" my mother commanded.

I forced my eyes to meet hers "no matter what me and your father love you. Your our only child we would never let something like loving a girl change that" she said squeezing my hand I cried as I got up to hug them both.

"Now" my mother said pulling away "if you really love this girl you go back home and you get her back whatever it takes so long as your happy" my mother says holding both my hands this time. Tears rolled down my checks as I simply nodded.

I would get her back no matter what I had to she was the one I wanted the last person I ever want to love.


"You know it's been weeks since you've left this house let alone this room." my father said as he stroked my back.

I've done nothing by stay in bed and cry since I got back Tania came over when I arrived she held me as I cried. Since then I've been to heart broken to get up.

Days have passed since I've even spoken I feel nothing but numb.

"Jamiee your birthday is coming up you can't stay in bed" I stayed silent.

Tears began to form in my eyes "it hurts so much" my voice raspy.

"I know sweetie the only thing you can do is be strong and face it. There is no getting away from it not even if you stay locked in here forever." He says kissing my temple and getting up.

In love with royalty (gxg) (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now