first contact

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First contact

The War of 2290-2300

Chapter One

[Jake's POV]

            "Exiting fluxspace in five, four, three, two, one," announced a woman in a matte black space suite as she typed in the command, exit fluxspace.

            I looked over and saw that the once black window was filled with the light of trillions of stars. I was breathless as I noticed a green dot appear in the window. getting out of my leather chair, I started to drift towards the green bead.

            Three of my crew mates where already at the window watching as the green bead turn into a green marble with blue streaks on it.  Only seconds after I arrived at the window, Captain Chris H. Columbus and the last two crew mates arrived at the window. When the green orb was the size of a golf ball, an alarm roared to life and all of the sensor panels flared with incoming data. Max, our chief science officer, ripped his gaze away from the wonderful green and blue orb and dashed to the sensor panel to find out what they were detecting.

            I turned to see if Max  had found out what was going on. I saw him standing over the sensor panel, his face was so white it made his dirty blonde hair look black. He look up and mouthed, "Radio signals."

            My eyes widened as I realized what that meant. "Captain," I called," Max has found out what the sensors are picking up."

                 "What did Max find Jake?" Capt. Columbus questioned as he turned to face me.

                        Before I could say anything, Max stuttered "Ssir I ththink that the ssensors are ppicking up rradio ssignals." Max  grimaced as soon as he realized that he had stuttered an entire sentence. 

            Our Captain's face was static, as if he didn’t know what to think, yet the rest of the crew had realized what was happening, and sprinted to their stations.

"Kolski, check all of the aft cameras, I want to make sure that its not rebels," The Captain finely barked as he briskly walked to his chair.

            Kolski pressed a couple buttons and brought up all of the video feeds from the aft cameras on to the captain's display.

            The Captain grunted a thanks as his eyes scanned all of the screens that Kolski had just sent to his display.

            "Do you see anything captain," I called .

            "No, all I see is the stars," The Captain mumbled.

            " I think I can solve your dilemma captain," Max  announced with confidence as he hit enter on his keyboard.   

            All of a sudden the room was filled with the musical sound of a language not known to man. Everyone listened for a few minutes before Max  closed the link.

            "That," Max  breathed, "is not human ."  

            "Sir, look at that," Alyssa, The Chief Security Officer, growled, as she pointed at a uncivilized space station that closely resembled the old space station that use to revolve around earth in 2010, That was almost two hundred and sixty years ago. 

            "Alyssa, tell your troops there might be some action on this trip," the Captain ordered as he ran his hands through his hair.           

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