Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

June 1, 1848


C—cu—ca …cut” I sigh from frustration.

It was either late into the morning or early into the*awia.

I woke up as usual to do my morning duties and as of right now I was finishing up mopping the floors of the main hallway.

“I can get this right…” I whisper to myself.

While doing all of my chores I was quietly practicing my English that I was taught by Sarah and recently from that demon. Truthfully I was completely surprised, shock, afraid and amazed all at once from has happen over the pass few *nnawotwe. At first I thought he was lying when Sarah told me what he said to her.

‘He teach me! Ha! What lies Sarah speaks, how can I *bata that demon!’ I thought soon after hearing that.

I was hurt by one of his people, I was hurt by him, and he hurt Sarah as well. He would never be someone I could ever trust to help me in anyway.

However when I have spoken these complaints to Sarah, she overlooked them and told me that I should find our ‘master’ and ask for him to teach me.I walked out the room and was actually going to the kitchen and stay there for a little to make it seem that I search for him. Then when I was in the door-way there he was sitting at the *didipon. He noticed me and after a confusing conversation with him, he ended up teaching me his language.

Even if I could only understand about one word from his explanations, I still learned. It really helped when he would *kyerɛw down what he called the alphabet and animals.I watched him write and say the words, I would repeat, and then he would go over it until I could say it without even looking at the word.

Now weeks have passed and every other day he would call me from doing a chore and for a long period of time he would teach a new lesson about new things and I would take in the information like water.

Yet lately, every time I learn a new word I would notice a small smile from him or a nodding my way in praise and for some reason that made me happy. At first I took no notice to his expression or even him at all. Just learning the words and how to say them made me content yet one day when I was trying to say the words ‘table and chairs’.

I was cooking the demon’s breakfast the way Sarah taught me and soon I heard a deep chuckle behind me. I jumped from the sudden laughter. I turned my head and stopped cutting the vegetables to see a small smile on the demon’s face. It seemed that he was trying to hide it with his hand but he failed to do so and I couldn’t help but smile back. He looked so happy and I for some reason thought it was pleasant to see such a rare sight. Ever since then when I do something right I’ve been taking quick peeks at his face to see if it made him smile in the slightest.

However that did not take away his evil character because he still acted rude, disrespectful, and violent towards Sarah, the other slaves and I. I make sure that his smiles do not let me dismember his real self.

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