Chapter 3

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I begin to tear up my room, looking for that note. It said something! Something important! I put it in a safe place. That might not even be my room, for all I know, I buried it in the fucking playground because I loved it there and the trees were shady. I was only in grade 4! I left my dog there once because I thought Mr Marbel would be happier... plus, he was getting a bit chubby, I figured he could run it off and I could get him the next morning... Alas, we never found poor Mr Marbel again....

I look everywhere to the point that Butter is grabbing my shoulders, begging me to stop. "Mian, please! You're freaking me out! What are you looking for?"

I sigh and pull my hair. "That note. It all makes sense now, Ryan is the old Ryan. The day he left, he gave me a note. I know it said something, something that mattered, I just forgot until now."

Butter sighs, "Well, it’s not here. Look, its late, your mum went to bed a few minutes ago, she had a headache. If you wake mum, I will not hesitate to kill you bro."

I stop and look around, it’s pretty messed up... My room that is.

Butter shakes her head, "Come on. Just get into bed and watch some TV or something, get your mind settled."

I take my jeans off and slide into bed (obviously wearing my boxers. Jeesh you perv! I might be comfortable around Butter but ewww.....) She steals one of my shirts and goes out of the room. This is the usual routine. She always forgets her pyjamas, and I aint sleeping next to her without her wearing a shirt and pants. The pants are generally not a problem because she likes boy style trunks. They're long enough to wear to bed without being worried of something being misinterpreted. 

She comes back in and slides into bed beside me. "You think we're getting too old for this?" I ask Butter.

"What? You're too old to sleep next to a hot chick wearing your shirt and only undies? You're the weirdest dude around Mian."

I laugh, "Ha-ha, very fucking funny! You could be wearing nothing and I wouldn't be turned on, on offence darling, but you're just not my type," I joke back. "Now if you had no boobs, had abs and a penis, well, I would be one happy man..."

She laughs and turns to face me. "I love you Mian. I'm glad I have you as my friend."

"Love you too Butt face."

She laughs and twists her fingers into mine. Butter will make some straight guy happy one day.

I fall asleep shortly after.

I wake up with Butter staring at me, sitting cross legged on the bed, "Mian. I need to borrow some clothes."

I laugh, "Dude, you relay on me WAY too much. You know where they are."

I groan and pull a pillow over my head again.

A few minutes later, Butter looks accomplished. She's completely ready for school, in a pair of my black skinny jeans with a belt and a shirt which I guess mum gave to her to borrow. "Hurry up D!!"

"Jeshus, you really keen today?"

"Well, can't keep the people waiting."

"Something's going on."

"No! I just want to go early."

Something's definitely going on.

I wipe my mouth. "Can you get me a drink? Then I'll get up."    

She smiles and runs off. I take the chance to grab her phone. I flick to the texts. 

XXboyXX: Meet me before school? Please? I hardly see you! So sick of just being friends. I know you are too. XX

The boy who made me drop my phone (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now